CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin Volume 31 is available as an interactive volume in MS Access database format. The Bulletin contains the complete time series of catch and effort statistics and trade statistics, as well as the catch histories of selected species and the seabed areas in the Convention Area. The Bulletin’s underlying data are available as database tables (aggregated fishery effort, aggregated fishery catch, aggregated toothfish landings, aggregated toothfish exports, reference data, see also CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 31 data files (739.43 КБ)). Catches of krill by month and SSMU are also available as a database table (aggregated krill catch), and may be visualised on the CCAMLR fishery webpages. The data structure in these tables is the same as that used for the csv data files, and documentation is included in the zip file.
To access the Statistical Bulletin, please download the file, unzip and open the MS Access database. A user interface is available from the ‘Statistical Bulletin Menu’ tab on the welcome page (top, right).
The Bulletin menu has tabs for the following sections:
A: Maps and standard abbreviations
B: Catch and effort data
C: Catch history
D: Landings and trade data
E: Seabed areas.
Users may generate standard tables or user-defined queries, pivot charts and tables; outputs may be printed or saved in pdf using the ‘report’ option (report > view report > print). Users may need to lower their macro security settings in order to operate the database (MS Access menu > file > privacy options > trust center > trust center settings > macro settings > enable all macros).