Catch per unit effort and proportional recruitment indices from Japanese krill fishery data in Subarea 48.1
Proportional recruitment indices and CPUE in Subarea 48.1 (Antarctic Peninsula region) from 1980 to 1996 were calculated based on logbook data from Japanese commercial krill trawlers. Proportional recruitment rates calculated from fisheries data were similar to those from scientific data (Siegel et al., 1997) and showed a close relationship to sea-ice indices. CPUE (catch/towing volume) in the Livingston Island area showed a decreasing trend during the study period. The use of different fishing strategies in response to a demand for higher product quality and a general decrease in krill density in the study area were considered as possible reasons for this. On the other hand, CPUE in the Elephant Island area showed greater interannual variation without any trend.