Revised age and growth estimates for Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana) from the Ross Sea
A previous study on the age and growth of Amblyraja georgiana in the Ross Sea suggested that these skates initially grow very rapidly for about five years, after which growth almost ceases (Francis and Ó Maolagáin, 2005). An alternative interpretation of age and growth in A. georgiana that is radically different from the published interpretation is presented. By counting fine growth bands in the caudal thorns instead of broad diffuse bands, growth curves have been generated that suggest much slower growth, greater ages-at-maturity (about 20 years compared with 6–11 years) and greater maximum ages (28–37 years compared with 14 years). Several pieces of circumstantial evidence support the new interpretation, but a validation study is required to determine which growth scenario is correct.