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By-catch of fishes caught by the fishery vessel Niitaka Maru in the South Georgia area (August to September 2004)
Abstract: Scientific observations on fishes incidentally caught during commercial krill fisheries ... the Myctophidae. At least in the net hauls of high krill CPUE (>20t?krill/h), few or no by-catch ... fish was occurred. The hauls of lower krill CPUE (Author(s): T. Iwami, T. Hayashi, K. Taki and M ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/19 : Автор(ы): T. Iwami, T. Hayashi, K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan)
The diet of Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, at King George Island, during the summer–autumn period
, krill and fish were the most frequent prey, occurring in an average of 97% and 69% of samples (n=128 ... were krill feeding species suggesting that seals foraged primarily on krill and opportunistically on ... fish species associated with krill swarms. A seasonal change observed in the relative proportions of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/4 : Автор(ы): G.A. Daneri, A.R. Carlini, C.M. Hernandez and A. Harrington (Argentina)
Spectra analysis of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) from 1952 to 2003, Antarctica
and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba DANA) is important as variability in krill stocks ... krill recruitment and density with hypothesized environmental factors; strength of westerly winds ... Antarctic Peninsula area during 1982-1998. They found significant correlations between krill recruitment and ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/46 : Автор(ы): M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
Using predators and their prey to characterise the status of the marine ecosystem at South Georgia
, coupled with data that describe the density of their principal prey, Antarctic krill. Here we explore some ... decisions; (iii) variability in the krill population is evident at different spatial and temporal scales ... , some of which is important for predators, indeed when krill density is low, spatial variability and ... documented relationships between predators and krill density are not apparent, suggesting that correlative ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/28 : Автор(ы): P. Trathan, S. Fielding, S. Hill, M. Belchier and J. Forcada
Abstract: An updated version of the Spatial Multi-species Operating Model (SMOM) of krill ... advice regarding the subdivision of the precautionary catch limit for krill among 15 small-scale ... . The model includes krill as prey and four predator groups (penguins, seals, fish and whales) in each ... of 15 SSMUs. A number of updates have been made to the model such as linking krill growth rate to sea ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-08/17 : Автор(ы): É.E. Plagányi and D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
Preliminary report on the South Orkneys Ecosystem Studies (SOES) field work undertaken by RRS James Clark Ross (JR15004) and associated field camps in January–February 2016
the krill-based ecosystem in the main fishing area in Subarea 48 undertaken in the austral summer of ... behaviour of krill and its predators across a range of temporal and spatial scales using acoustics, nets and ... information on important interactions between krill, krill predators and the commercial fishery that will be ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/19 : Автор(ы): J. Watkins, O.R. Godø, S. Fielding, C. Reiss, P. Trathan and E. Murphy
Proposed amendments to Conservation Measure 51-06 (2014) General measure for scientific observation in fisheries for Euphausia superba
Abstract: Due to uncertainties in Antarctic krill stock, which do not allow scientists to develop ... comprehensive system of Feedback management of krill fishery and to provide work on forecast of the ecosystem ... system in the krill fishery mandatory. Author(s): K. Demianenko, L. Pshenichnov and G. Milinevskyi Title ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/63 : Автор(ы): K. Demianenko, L. Pshenichnov and G. Milinevskyi
Management of C. gunnari in Subarea 48.3
increased consumption of icefish by Antarctic fur seals in years of poor krill availability. Thus natural ... normal levels again when krill return. A scheme is elaborated that would use information from studies on ... krill and predators undertaken as part of CEMP to interpret or modify information from commercial ... predictions of coming periods of krill scarcity as early warnings of increased natural mortality on icefish ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-97/38 : Автор(ы): Kirkwood, G.P., Parkes, G.B., Everson, I., Agnew, D.J.
Evidence of change to the environment, ecosystem and fishery within Area 48 indicates the need for continued precaution
Abstract: CCAMLR manages the krill fishery in Area 48 using a catch limit (the trigger level ... the ecosystem has undergone rapid environmental change. Several studies suggest that krill numerical ... levels in Subarea 48.1 and environmental stress on the krill stock), the need for precaution is likely to ... for regularly reviewing whether its management of the krill fishery is suitably precautionary. At the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/29 : Автор(ы): S. Hill and A. Atkinson
Towards a strategic framework for assessing uncertainty in ecosystem dynamics models: objectives are sensitive too
candidate feedback management approaches for the Antarctic krill fishery in the southern Drake Passage and ... simulations of krill, its predators and fishery. It has been used to provide advice on the spatial allocation ... of the precautionary catch limit for krill. Foosa might therefore be a suitable simulation platform ... analysis for Foosa. Some of the outputs used to provide advice on the spatial allocation of krill catch ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/20 Rev. 1 : Автор(ы): S. Hill and J. Matthews (United Kingdom)
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