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Система научных стипендий АНТКОМ
, available as annexes in the SC-CAMLR-41 report. Additional topics include: Research into krill population ... dynamics and ecosystem monitoring to support the development of feedback management in the krill fishery ... . The use of fishing vessels to collect acoustics data on the abundance and distribution of krill ...
Page : Site Section: Science
Система АНТКОМ по международному научному наблюдению (СМНН)
(finfish and krill) and pot (crabs and finfish) fisheries. The Secretariat coordinates implementation of ... spp., other information including logbooks, Scientific Observer's Manual – Krill Fisheries ...
Page : Site Section: Science
Status of living resources
applied to all fisheries, including the krill fishery and by-catch stocks in an established fishery that ... -XXX/36) Design and agree a strategy for krill fishery development (e.g. timing, spatial scale ... ) explicitly link to the ongoing management decisions for krill fishery development. Consideration should be ... given to the use of indicators of predator status in the strategy for krill fishery development. SC ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Мониторинг уловов и усилия
krill fisheries. Catch and effort data are submitted at different reporting periods depending on the ... Contacts. Requirements for krill fisheries Krill fisheries in Subareas 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 and Divisions ... the season. In order to simplify reporting from the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 for the 2018/19 ...
Page : Site Section: Fisheries
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... krill catch data, is being developed. This management system involves commercial fishing vessels ... collecting acoustic and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... krill catch data, is being developed. This management system involves commercial fishing vessels ... collecting acoustic and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... krill catch data, is being developed. This management system involves commercial fishing vessels ... collecting acoustic and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... krill catch data, is being developed. This management system involves commercial fishing vessels ... collecting acoustic and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... krill catch data, is being developed. This management system involves commercial fishing vessels ... collecting acoustic and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Конвенция АНТКОМ
increases in krill catches in the Southern Ocean could be detrimental for Antarctic marine ecosystems ... particularly for seabirds, seals, whales and fish that depend on krill for food. The CAMLR Convention consists ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation