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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51/XII (1993)
on a projection forward of the trend in daily catch rates, obtained using linear regression techniques from ...
Conservation Measure : 51/XII (1993)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 23-02 (2016)
for that season. The estimate shall be based on a projection forward of the trend in daily catch rates, obtained ...
Conservation Measure : 23-02 (2016)
Letter from the Convener
. I look forward to seeing you in Bremerhaven. Sincerely, Stuart Hanchet, Convenor, WG-SAM March ...
Document : Site Section: Meetings
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 35/X (1991)
to be reached for that season. The estimate shall be based on a projection forward of the trend in daily catch ...
Conservation Measure : 35/X (1991)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 9/VI (1987)
forward of the average daily catch rate (calculated as the total catch by all contracting parties ...
Conservation Measure : 9/VI (1987)
... Organization (IMO), and wanted to investigate this link further. SCIC agreed to forward the draft ... . The draft was amended to take account of some Members’ serious concerns and SCIC agreed to forward ... was amended to take account of some Members’ concerns and SCIC agreed to forward the draft to the Commission ... to forward the draft to the Commission for further consideration (CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/48). 175 III. IUU ... ), and wanted to investigate this link further. SCIC agreed to forward the draft to the Commission for ... agreed to forward the draft to the Commission for further consideration (CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/48). 173 ... . The draft was amended to take account of some Members’ concerns and SCIC agreed to forward the draft ... The draft was amended to take account of some Members’ concerns and SCIC agreed to forward the draft application/pdf attached to:SCIC-07
Meeting Report : SCIC-07
Fishery report: Dissostichus eleginoides Prince Edward Islands South African EEZ (Subareas 58.6 and 58.7)
the more recent recruitment levels, from 1992 onwards, to inform the forward projections. 16 ... of recruitment levels for forward projections be noted. 29. The Scientific Committee also noted ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51/XIX (2000)
to be reached for that season. The estimate shall be based on a projection forward of the trend in daily catch ...
Conservation Measure : 51/XIX (2000)
Application process
should not forward their endorsements, if any, until after the closing date for applications ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
From the Editor
. As the new Editor, I look forward to carrying on where Dr Sabourenkov left off and to enabling many more ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 15 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 15) : 199