The Secretariat's Data Centre is the custodian of data which underpin the Commission's decisions and support the implementation and monitoring of those decisions. These data, collectively known as 'CCAMLR data', are used principally by CCAMLR's Scientific Committee, specialised groups and community of scientists, resource managers, fishery officers and policy makers. Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data (20.18 KB) generally govern the administration and use of data held by the Secretariat. Additional rules apply to the release of data from the Catch Documentation Scheme (
16.01 KB) and data from the Vessel Monitoring System (refer Conservation Measure 10-04).
CCAMLR data are submitted on standard forms and include data from:
- fisheries in the Convention Area
- scientific observations on board fishing vessels
- research surveys and ecosystem monitoring
- compliance activities and processes.
Some CCAMLR data are freely available in the public domain and these include:
- registry of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) and risk areas
- fishery and trade summaries published annually in the Statistical Bulletin.
The Secretariat also maintains a range of common software tools and analytical applications such as:
- nautical twilight calculator
- tag overlap calculator
- stock assessment models.