The availability of data maintained on behalf of the Commission by the Secretariat is governed by Rules for the Access and Use of CCAMLR Data. Access and use falls under five general categories:
With the exception of STATLANT data (see 2 below), CDS data (see 3 below) and VMS data (see 4 below), all CCAMLR data are subject to the Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data (
20.18 KB). Under the terms of these rules, data are freely available to Member countries for analysis and preparation of documents for the Commission, Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies.
STATLANT data are held in the public domain and are freely available. These data are transmitted to FAO and some Regional Bodies, and summary statistics are published annually in the CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin (
2.2 MB) and other publications such as the FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics.
CDS data are subject to the Rules for Access to Catch Documentation Scheme Data (
16.01 KB).
- The release of VMS data is subject to the provisions on secure and confidential treatment of electronic reports and messages outlined in Annex B of Conservation Measure 10-04.
- Copies of data held by other organisations (i.e. non-CCAMLR datasets) are subject to terms specified by each parent organisation. Generally, these terms allow free access and use of the data.
Data requests may be submitted by emailing the Data Centre. Requests should specify the type of data, spatial and temporal coverage (e.g. areas and seasons) and proposed use of the data. Where possible, requests should be endorsed by the national representative to CCAMLR and the proposed use of the data should make specific reference to the work of the Commission or Scientific Committee.