This is the 17th volume of CCAMLR Science and the contents reflect the diverse science that supports CCAMLR’s management of the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean. There is a truly circumpolar feel to this volume with papers using data from the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic sectors of the CAMLR Convention Area. The five papers concerning the Ross Sea further contribute to our knowledge of a fascinating part of the Southern Ocean and demonstrate the important role that data from fisheries can provide in contributing to a better understanding of the ecosystem dynamics of the region.
During 2009 there were a total of eight weeks of meetings of the specialist groups of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR, covering fisheries acoustics, statistics and modelling, ecosystem monitoring and management, vulnerable marine ecosystems, incidental mortality associated with fishing, fish stock assessment and at-sea operations. A total of 167 working papers were presented at these meetings. This volume consists of papers submitted to each of those working groups, papers that have been through the scrutiny of those groups as well as the more traditional peer-review process.
The breadth of information considered by CCAMLR is central to providing the best-available science upon which to base decisions concerning the management of fisheries in the Southern Ocean. It also reflects a great deal of time and energy of a relatively small group of scientist. The need to identify ways to share the burden of delivering scientific input, and to help build the capacity to deliver excellent science into the future, has been recognised by CCAMLR through the establishment of a General Science Capacity Fund. Through this fund, CCAMLR will support scientific development, particularly through engaging earlycareer scientists, in the work of CCAMLR. The continued support for the excellent science submitted to CCAMLR, and published in CCAMLR Science, underpins the future sustainable management of the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean.
Journal Papers