The Lepidonotothen squamifrons group has been described to be comprised of 3 species: L squamifrons (Günther, 1880). L kempi (Norman, 1937) and L macrophthalma (Norman, 1937). All 3 species closely resemble each other and morphological and meristic characters utilized to distinguish between species are overlapping. Enzyme electrophoresis of enzyme polymorph isms has been applied to specimens morphologically recognized as L squamifrons and L kempi from various localities in the Scotia Arc region and the Kerguelen Islands to assist in clarifying their taxonomic status. Results suggest that both 'species' represent only populations of one species. Evidence is presented that the third species of the group, L macrophthalma, may also be identical with L squamifrons and that the L squamifrons 'group' is comprised of only one species, Lepidonotothen squamifrons (Günther, 1880). We found no statistically significant difference in allele frequencies between specimens from geographically isolated shelf areas of the Scotia Arc. This does not necessarily mean that the Scotia Arc region is inhabited by a single population but suggests some gene flow between shelf areas via larval drift for which evidence exists.
The diet composition and feeding intensity of mackerel icefish ( Champsocephalus gunnari) around Shag Rocks and the mainland of South Georgia was analyzed from c. 8,700 stomachs collected in January/February 1985, January/February 1991 and January 1992. Main prey items were krill (Euphausia superba), the hyperiid Themisto gaudichaudii, mysids (primarily Antarctomysis maxima) and in 1985 also Thysanoessa species. The proportion of krill and Themisto in the diet varied considerably between the three seasons, whereas the proportion of mysids in the diet remained fairly constant. Krill which has a high energy content appears to be the prefered diet. In years of krill shortage, such as in 1991, krill is replace d by the ubiquitous Themisto gaudichaudii. The occurrence of krill in the diet in 1991 was one of the lowest within a 28 year period of investigation. Variation in food composition between sampling sites was high. This high variation can be primarily attributed to differences in prey availability, but was much less influenced by prey size selectivity due to differences in length composition of fish between sampling sites. Feeding intensity varied considerably between seasons. Both, the proportion of empty stomachs was uncommonly high and stomach content weight was uncommonly low in 1991 in a period when energy-rich food is needed for the final maturation of the gonads. It was highest in 1992. At the same time, an unusually high proportion of sexually mature fish showed no signs of the gonad development necessary leading up to spawning in that season. It was hypothesized that like in other, non-Antarctic fish species the shortage of suitable food, such as krill, may have forced the fish to sacrifice gonad maturation in order to maintain body size.
Four production models were fit to a time series of daily catch per unit effort (CPUE) data from the 1991/92 fishery for Paralomis spinosissima around South Georgia Island. The four models considered recruitment in different ways. Model 1 contained a linear recruitment function; Model 2 had constant recruitment; Model 3 contained a Beverton-Holt recruitment function, and Model 4 used a Ricker recruitment function. The best fitting model was Model 1. Model 1 had three parameters: an estimate of initial abundance (N0), an estimate of the scaling coefficient relating abundance to CPUE (q), and a recruitment parameter (a). The generalized likelihood ratio was used to place 95% confidence bounds around the parameter estimates from Model 1. These confidence bounds were very precise: Pr(240928 ≤ N0 ≤ 255374) ≈ 0.95; Pr(8.56 x 10-7 ≤ q ≤ 9.49 x 10-7) ≈ 0.95; and Pr(0.00804 ≤ a ≤ 0.00890) ≈ 0.95. Assuming that fishery removals should not be greater than the number of crabs that recruit to the fishery during the course of a fishing season, Bayesian statistics were used to evaluate alternative levels of a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the 1993/94 crab fishery. An optimal TAC was determined to be about 300 t. However, this TAC was conditional on the 1991/92 fishery data, and this data was limited to small temporal and spatial scales (about 4 mo. and 3600 n. mi.2). To extrapolate the estimated TAC to longer time periods information about the frequency and duration of the molting/mating event is required. To extrapolate the estimated TAC to larger areas (i.e. to estimate a TAC for all of South Georgia), it was necessary to determine whether growth or movement was predominantly responsible for recruitment. Monthly length frequency histograms were constructed and showed that growth was probably not the primary recruitment mechanism. Since movement may be important to the recruitment process, a TAC for all of South Georgia cannot be estimated by simple multiplication.
An experimental management strategy is proposed for the Paralomis spinosissima fishery around South Georgia. The strategy is designed to answer specific, a priori questions about the population dynamics of P. spinosissima, and consists of three phases to be conducted over a period of two years/fishing seasons. Phase 1 occurs at the start of the first fishing season and is a "survey" regime where fishing effort is artificially distributed over a large area. After Phase 1, normal fishing operations continue until the TAC for the first fishing season is attained. Phase 2 starts at the beginning of the second fishing season and is a series of three depletion experiments conducted in local areas. After Phase 2 normal fishing operations are conducted until CCAMLR initiates closure of the second fishing season. Phase 3 commences just prior to the close of the second fishing season. In this phase, fishing effort is redirected to the three local areas depleted during Phase 2. The experimental management strategy is designed for application on a per vessel basis (i.e. vessels may not "cooperate" to complete phases -- each vessel must complete all three phases on its own). The strategy is more powerful when multiple vessels participate in the fishery, but valuable information can still be obtained if only one vessel participates.
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Investigations on by-catch of fishes captured during krill fishing by F/V Chiyo Maru No. 3 were made from 3 February to 6 March, 1996 to the north of the South Shetland Islands. Among 147 hauls examined, a total of 99 specimens belonging to 5 families and 14 species were captured as by-catch in 41 hauls. Notothenioid juveniles were found in 30 hauls carried out in waters with a depth of 87-853m (average 186m). On the contrary, bathypelagic fishes (myctophids and paralepidids) were recognized in 11 hauls operated at some distance from the shelf, in the offshore waters with a depth of 275-1780m (average 1006m). Notothenioid juveniles never caught with bathypelagic fish species in all hauls examined. Among by-catch fishes, juvenile Lepidonotothen larseni was the most abundant. This species was found in 15 hauls, and its estimated value of an arithmetic mean was 4±19 ind./t (0 to 140 ind./t) of catch and 51±217 ind./h (0 to 3927 ind./h) trawling respectively. Bathypelagic fish species, Electrona carlsbergi, which was found in samples from 6 hauls, was the next in abundance. Its arithmetic mean was 3±21 ind./t (0 to 220 ind./t) of catch and 32±178 ind./h (0 to 1509 ind./h) trawling. Although the krill CPUE of hauls without by-catch of fish ranged widely, the large incidental catch of fish usually occurred in hauls with lower krill CPUE.
Monthly CPUEs during winter operation of Japanese krill trawlers around South Georgia were calculated. The range of CPUE values in 1991 season (poor year of krill) was comparable to the range of summer operation around Elephant Island and Livingston Island. Vertical distribution presumed from net towing depth. Net tow depth data implied that overall krill distribution in the the winter season might be deeper than the summer season. Interannual variability of vertical distribution was also suggeted. Length frequency distribution implied the evidence of strong krill influx from the Antarctic Peninsula region and Weddell Sea.
CPUE and Recruitment indices during 1980 to 1995 were calculated based on the log book data from commercial krill trawlers. Long-term variation of monthly CPUE was shown but this trend might be the result of the alternation of operational strategy in relation to the product quality. Recruitment indices in this paper agreed with Sigel and Loeb (1995) in genaral trend, however, some disagreements were also adressed.
At Seal Island breeding predators which incorporated an overnight period into their foraging trip such as Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) and overnight foraging chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) went beyond the inshore region and foraged in the slope/offshore region, even though the slope/offshore region was less abundant with krill and more remote from their breeding sites than the inshore region. Only diurnal chinstrap penguins foraged in the inshore region. The following advantages are considered for visual predators to feed in the slope/offshore region at night:(l) krill showed more uniformal distribution in the slope/offshore region in contrast to its very patchy distribution in the inshore region so that krill may be easily found in the slope/offshore region; (2) krill tend to be larger in body size and more matured in the slope/offshore region than those in the inshore region; larger gravid female krill, which may be easily found and captured by predators, were available in the slope/offshore region; (3) Myctophid fish occurred near surface at night in the slope/offshore region; their ventral light organs may become easier target for predators at night. Thus, aggregation pattern of krill, body size/maturity stage of krill and availability of myctophid fish may make the slope/offshore region favorable foraging areas in spite of its lower krill density.
The methods and preliminary data on evaluation of krill transfer factors results in subarea 48.2 in the period of 19.02-07.03.96 are presented. The polygon of 80 x 240 miles was situated in interaction zone of the two circulating systems of the climatic scale: Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Weddell Sea waters. The experiment was carried out in two stages: evaluation of krill transport through the polygon boundaries; hydroacoustic evaluation of krill biomass and distribution in the polygon and researches of krill transport peculiarities through the polygon depending on water dinamics.
Krill transport through the polygon boundaries was calculated as product of the two values, inteagrated for the layer of 0-200 m: krill density (t/cubic mile) and water output (cubic mile/hour) through 1 mile of the polygon boundary per hour. The value (t/hour) characterizes transport intensity of krill biomass through 1 mile of polygon boundary. The results of krill density evaluation, geostrophical velocities and water outputs on the polygon boundaries are presented. Average krill transport intensity (absolute values) were: mean=7.2 t/hour, s.d.=15.5 t/hour. There is sufficient variability of krill transport through polygon boundaries by value of biomass transported and by transport direction as well. The total balance of krill input-output through all the polygon boundaries was positive (2088 ±831 t/hour).
The obtained values of krill transport are compared with those of for the polygon 30 x 30 miles, situated on the western periphery of the Doubling Anticyclonic Current, doubling South Orkneys (R/V "Dmitry Stephanov", April 19.