We provide an update of the Bayesian sex and age structured population stock assessment model for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea region (Subareas 88.1 and SSRUs 88.2A–B), using revised catch, catch-at-age, and tag-recapture data for the 2010–2011 seasons. The 2011 reference model using the selected trips tag data gave a similar, but slightly higher estimate of initial biomass than the 2009 base case. Retrospective analysis suggests that this is partly as a result of the increased number of vessels in selected data set and partly as a result of the 2010 and 2011 observations. Two sensitivity models are presented; the first considers the effect of including possible unaccounted mortality from lost gear, and the second uses tag release and recapture data from all vessel trips.
Overall, model fits to the data were adequate, and, as in previous assessments, the tag-release and recapture data provided the most information on stock size. Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) diagnostics suggested little evidence of non-convergence in the key biomass parameters, although there was some evidence of non-convergence in the annual shift parameters for the shelf fishery. MCMC estimates of initial (equilibrium) spawning stock abundance (B0) for the 2011 reference model were estimated as 73 870 t (95% credible intervals 69 070–78 880), and current (B2011) biomass was estimated as 80.0% B0 (95% credible intervals 78.6–81.3).The estimated yield, using the CCAMLR decision rules, was 3282 t
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359 Antarctic krill catches were analysed for by-catch, it took 48.5% of observed catches and 31.3% of total catches. Fish by-catches were usual in the sector 48.1 (89.1% of cases); the most of by-caught fishes belonged to families Nototheniidae (NOX) (66.3%). Fish by-catches in the sector 48.2 were recorded in 50% examined catches; the most frequent were fishes of families Myctophidae (LXX).
This paper outlines a proposal to develop a field guide for Antarctic fishes which would use photographs of live fish wherever possible.
Difficulties in distinguishing between certain gonad stages is of common concern for observers onboard vessels fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides. To minimise errors in interpretation of maturity scales of D. eleginoides a comprehensive identification guide has been prepared. It is proposed that this guide forms part of the CCAMLR observer manual.
In this paper we update the assessment of D. eleginoides in the northern half of Subarea 48.4 presented in 2010. The CASAL model is improved through the incorporation catch at age data, as an alternative to the catch at length data that were the only such data available in 2010. The catch at age model generates a yield of 52 tonnes based on CCAMLR decision rules.
In 2006 the northern subdivision of 48.4 was set north of Saunders Island after consideration of oceanographic and bathymetric data, and for the purpose of the experimental work leading to a stock assessment. Data collected in the second part of the experiment (2009 – 2011) show that although CPUE of D. eleginoides is very low there, Saunders Island is an area of overlap between D. eleginoides and D. mawsoni, and is the likely effective southern limit of the D. eleginoides population. It should probably be incorporated into the assessment and management of D. eleginoides in the northern half of 48.4, but to date insufficient information has been acquired, including from tagging, to establish the likely rates of exchange between Saunders and the other northern areas in 48.4.
Given current knowledge and uncertainties on both Dissostichus spp stock status, we suggest that further data on the D. eleginoides population at Saunders island should be acquired, with fishing controlled by maintenance of current north-south area boundaries, application of a D. eleginoides 52 tonne catch limit to both areas with a sub-division of 5 tonnes allocated specifically for D. eleginoides in 48.4 South. We also propose that directed fishing on D. mawsoni should not be permitted in 2011/12, but that a move-on rule to limit bycatch of D. mawsoni should apply. Some options for a move-on rule are discussed.
A three-year tagging experiment was initiated by the UK in 2008/09 fishing season with the aims of providing the data required for assessments of the population structure, size, movement and growth of both Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic tooth (Dissostichus mawsoni) in South of Statistical Subarea 48.4. This paper presents the results for D. mawsoni.
Fishing effort within the south of Subarea 48.4 was relatively evenly spread between each participating fishing vessel between 2008/09 and 2009/10, but the spatial coverage of fishing effort was reduced in 2010/11 due to reduced catches and catch rates during the season. Standardised CPUE trends indicated a slight decline in catch rates over the three year study, more so between 2010 and 2011.
A total of 476 D. mawsoni have been tagged and released during between 2008/09 and 2010/11. Tag data show 56% of recaptured fish remain within only 10 km of the area of first capture. Results of the mark-recapture experiment to date indicated that mean estimates of vulnerable biomass for D. mawsoni were similar across recapture years 2010 and 2011, at ~600t.
The exploratory longline fisheries in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 (primarily targeting D. mawsoni) have been operating since 2003. Formal stock assessments have yet to be developed for these fisheries. Analyses of C2 catch rate and mean weight data from 2484 longline hauls conducted between 2003 and 2011 enabled the development of generalised additive mixed models that were then used to make predictions of catch rate and mean weight across fishable depths in both Divisions. Catch rates across the region are low compared to those in other Dissostichus fisheries within the Convention Area, with most locations within fishable depths predicted to have catch rate of less than 100 kg per 1000 hooks. The region around Prydz Bay is predicted have the highest catch rate of D. mawsoni and is also shown to be an important area for pre-adult D. mawsoni. Development of similar models to analyse fishery potential and population structure in other exploratory fisheries is recommended.
Large fluctuations in abundance are a persistent feature of the populations of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in the waters adjacent to Heard Island and the McDonald Islands in CCAMLR Statistical Division 58.5.2. The current decision rules for setting catch limits for icefish theoretically allow some commercial fishing to occur on icefish stocks when stock biomass is at a low level. Australia recommends the development of a limit reference point, such that the commercial catch limit for icefish in Division 58.5.2 is set to zero if the stock is determined to be below 1000 tonnes, or the catch limit recommended by the decision rules is below 100 tonnes in the first year after a survey has been completed. In years with a zero commercial catch limit, a combined bycatch and research catch limit of 30 tonnes would allow the continued monitoring of the stock through annual trawl surveys. Australia considers that such a measure would further enhance the existing suite of Conservation Measures that ensure that management of this fishery follows a precautionary approach, and satisfies the objectives of the Convention.