The biomass of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in CCAMLR Subarea 48.4 is estimated from tagging returns, giving an average of 1,456 tonnes since 2016. Applying the CCAMLR agreed precautionary assumption of average biomass, using the 5-year average biomass, and harvest rate of γ = 0.038, implies a 2020/21 yield of 55 tonnes.
Historically, a precautionary approach has been applied in treating 48.4 Antarctic toothfish as a separate stock. Based on the biological characteristics of the catches in Subarea 48.4, and the surrounding regions, the Antarctic toothfish around the southern South Sandwich Islands are now hypothesised as being part of a much larger stock that extends south into Subareas 48.2, 48.6 and possibly 48.5. The current method of assessment, based on tag returns, consequently, is considered to provide an estimate of the local biomass.
The CCAMLR Scientific Committee and its Working Groups are tasked with providing precautionary management advice in accordance with CCAMLR Article II and using the CCAMLR Decision Rule as a foundation. WG-EMM(2019) began setting out a process for defining a “data rich” analysis approach progressing towards assessment and management of the krill stock and its fishery. At WG-EMM(2020) discussions highlighted that for Subarea 48.1, where catches have increased to the local interim catch allocation and where there has been development of a risk assessment model, a data limited approach could be used to provide advice to the Scientific Committee and the Commission in the short term, while the data rich approach is being fully developed and evaluated. This discussion paper outlines a draft data limited approach for providing advice on krill management in Subarea 48.1, to initiate further discussion on the methodology.
Oceanites, Inc. is a US-based, nonprofit, scientific, and educational organization under US law, which was founded in 1987. Its mission is to advance science-based conservation and to increase the awareness of climate change, its potential impacts, and climate change adaptation through the lens of Antarctic penguins.
This report summarizes activities of Oceanites since CCAMLR-XXXVIII and SC-CAMLR-XXXVIII, including:
• Results from the latest, 26th consecutive field season of the Antarctic Site Inventory
• Update on the Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD) database and its use within the Antarctic Treaty system and in CCAMLR
Voluntary Krill Fishing Buffer Zones
Re-analysis of Gentoo Penguin Populations in the Antarctic Peninsula
• State Of Antarctic Penguins 2020 Report and Penguin Population Changes
• Update on Climate Analyses
• Recent, Notable Scientific Papers Relating to MAPPPD.
En este documento se resume información en posesión de la Secretaría en relación con la actividad de los barcos y la pesca INDNR pertinente para la CCRVMA entre agosto de 2019 y agosto de 2020. En el anexo 1 se detallan los casos de artes de pesca no identificados recuperados en el Área de la Convención. Se ha propuesto la inclusión de dos barcos en el Proyecto de lista de barcos de pesca INDNR-PC, el Nika, de pabellón panameño, y el Palmer, de pabellón ruso.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Last 15 years (since 2005) a total catch of Antarctic krill in the Subarea 48 was sustainably increasing, remaining, however, under the trigger level of 620 000 tons. Analysis of the catch data shows that an intensity of krill fishing was slightly growing with use of traditional (conventional) trawls (krill catch by conventional trawls in 2019 is up to 46% higher than such catch in 2008), and the growing was much more significant in part of use of the continuous fishing system (a value of krill catch in 2019 with use of the continuous fishing system was registered at the level 460% of the such value in 2008).
Taking into account a step by step expansion of the continuous fishing system in the CCAMLR area, which can be considered as a strong factor for possible degradation of krill fishery by traditional (conventional) trawls, there is proposed to the WG-EMM-2020 to consider an applying a limitation to the continuous fishing system fishery within the Area 48, establishing that only up to 70% of the total allowable krill catch can be harvested with the continuous fishing system.
As part of the reseach plan in Subarea 88.3, scientific electronic monitoring was trialled by both the FV Greenstar and the FV Marigolds. Initial trials resulted in choosing two different systems (Saltwater Inc, and Hansael) which were both operational for the 2020 season. Both systems performed well under Antarctic conditions and show promise in assisting the data collection activities of observers. Unfortunately, the impacts of Covid-19 included closing the Saltwater Inc offices and data are not currently accessible.As part of the reseach plan in Subarea 88.3, scientific electronic monitoring was trialled by both the FV Greenstar and the FV Marigolds. Initial trials resulted in choosing two different systems (Saltwater Inc, and Hansael) which were both operational for the 2020 season. Both systems performed well under Antarctic conditions and show promise in assisting the data collection activities of observers. Unfortunately, the impacts of Covid-19 included closing the Saltwater Inc offices and data are not currently accessible.