Correspondence and documentation submitted by the Republic of Angola requesting SCIC consider delisting the NCP-IUU listed vessel Northern Warrior.
Ukraine is planned to establish the Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) at the region of Argentine Islands Archipelago, adjacent islands of the Wilhelm Archipelago and costal oases of nearby Graham Coast Antarctic Peninsula (short abbreviation – AIGC ASPA). This ASPA will include the terrestrial area with marine component, which consists of inter-island water areas within the central group of the Argentine Islands Archipelago as well as CEMP sites managed by Ukraine. Since 2003 Ukraine has provided research and monitoring at the Argentine Islands Archipelago, including terrestrial survey of almost all islands, and ice-free areas at Mainland. The distribution of different vegetation: moss, fields, lichens and vascular plants are being continuously studied in details. The general distribution of sea birds, mammals, penguin colonies, and nesting places localization are also investigated. Additionally, underwater and acoustic surveys, chemical analyses of bottom sediments and soils of nearshore areas are provided during many years. There are three main elements are planned to include into the planned ASPA. The ASPA marine component will be based on information on the state of marine benthic community, which has been collected by scuba divers during several season expeditions and during winter time. The AIGC ASPA will also include the fast growing gentoo penguin colonies, which is monitored by time-lapse cameras according the CEMP project 'Establishing a CEMP Camera Network in Subarea 48.1', run by USA, Argentina, Australia, Poland and Ukraine. The CEMP cameras monitoring covers the gentoo and Adélie penguin colonies at Galindez and Petermann Islands, Adélie colony at Yalour Islands. The proposed area includes also different biotopes of central part of maritime Antarctica with different vegetation, and populations of very rare in the region Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae), and more often Deschampsia antarctica (Poaceae). The monitoring of these vegetation areas has long history established by British Antarctic Survey expeditions since 1957 and continued by Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions since 1996. This planned ASPA with a combination of mainly terrestrial and additional marine component could serve as one of the scientific reference areas of the broad-scale MPA in Domain 1 (Antarctic Peninsula) for assessing the effects of climate change on benthic communities, penguin populations and distribution (in accordance with the point 2 (iii) of the CM 91-04).
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There is no abstract available for this document.
The Secretariat received fishery notifications for exploratory fisheries for toothfish and krill fisheries for 2019/20. No notifications were received for new fisheries. The summary details of all fishery notifications are in this paper, the full details for the consideration of Members of the Commission are available to authenticated users through the CCAMLR website Fishery Notifications. All Fishery notifications for 2019/20 were received and paid by the due dates.
This paper provides details of SISO observer deployments during the 2019 season (based on data received by the Secretariat up to 18 September 2019). Developments in the Scheme of International Scientific Observation Programme are discussed, and results presented from the vessel tagging pro-forma survey conducted on vessels participating in exploratory fisheries.
La pesca de austromerluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides) se ha desarrollado en las áreas circundantes a las islas Georgias del Sur de manera continua durante más de 40 años, con más de 25 de años bajo la ordenación de la CCRVMA.
Este documento examina la disminución a largo plazo de la estructura de tallas de austromerluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides) observada en las capturas de palangre en el área de las islas Georgias del Sur (Área 48.3 de la FAO). Desde inicios de la década del 2000 hasta la actualidad, se ha observado que la pesca de palangre en el área de las islas Georgias del Sur ha estado dirigida a ejemplares juveniles inmaduros, de talla menor de 100 cm. Aquí se proporciona un análisis del problema de la explotación irracional de los stocks de austromerluza negra en la Subárea 48.3.
Russian Federation is going to continue investigation for toothfish in Ross Sea. This paper presents the research program in the frame of the Research and Monitoring Plan for RSRMOR.
The research program shall be conducted in the Special Research Zone during 2019 - 2021 or the first reference period for existence of the RSRMPA. This program provides possibility for collaborative investigations in the Special Research Zone by Russian vessels and vessel from other CCAMLR members.