This paper provides analysis on the data collated by GLOBEFISH from publicly released sources for the trade of toothfish products for the 2017 calendar year. The analysis has identified that in 2017 toothfish was most commonly traded as an unprocessed frozen product which could be in various the forms with mean unit values of 22.30 US$/kg for imports and 18.85 US$/kg for exports. The data identified the largest importer was the United States of America (USA), accounting for 54.01% of the global import market. The largest exporter was Mauritius accounting for 20.93% of global export market. Application of the Max Partner Pair (MPP) estimation methodology identified the USA again as the largest importer, with 32.30% of global imports. Chile was estimated to be the largest exporter, with 15.26% of global exports. A comparison of the total quantity of toothfish products traded for imports and exports between global trade data and the CDS found that they are similar with a -2.29% difference in imports and 0.85% difference in exports.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Following the submission of a first draft Conservation Measure for establishing a MPA in the Weddell Sea (WSMPA) to CCAMLR 2016, Germany has carried out further work on the WSMPA proposal and the EU has submitted a revised CM proposal to CCAMLR 2018.
This document is based on similar documents submitted to WG SAM 2018 and the CCAMLR Workshop on Spatial Management (WS-SM-18). It intends to inform the Scientific Committee about the following revisions carried out to the WSMPA proposal, which would fall under the remit of, or might be of interest to participants at SC-CAMLR 2018:
Unifying the previously two separate WSMPA parts into one coherent WSMPA by closing the gap on the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula;
Adjustment of the habitat of adult Antarctic toothfish in Statistical Subareas 48.6 and 48.5 because of further analyses and modelling of the habitat of adult Antarctic toothfish;
Establishment of scientific reference areas in Statistical Subarea 48.6 for monitoring the effects of harvesting on Antarctic marine living resources and for achieving the WSMPA specific objectives.
Changes to the WSMPA Management Plan and the WSMPA Research and Monitoring Plan, inter alia, by taking into account the outcome of the CCAMLR Workshop for the Development of a Dissostichus mawsoni Population Hypothesis for Area 48.
The document also informs SC-CAMLR about the advice given by SAM 2018 and WS-SM-18 as regards the establishment (number, location and size) of unfished scientific reference areas in the habitat for adult Antarctic toothfish in Statistical Subarea 48.6 (see point 3 above). These reference areas could be used for comparative studies into the potential impacts of D. mawsoni fishing operations on the ecosystems and food webs, of which this species is a part.
This paper introduces a letter from INTERPOL to CCAMLR which briefs on the deployment of an investigative support team from INTERPOL which worked with the Mauritius Police Force collecting information from gillnets retrieved by the NGO Vessel Sam Simon. The letter presages a technical report being refined by INTERPOL which, once finalised, will be shared with CCAMLR.
Singapur ha solicitado a CCAMLR-XXXVII que considere concederle la condición de Parte no contratante (PNC) que coopera con la CCRVMA mediante su participación en el Sistema de Documentación de la Captura (SDC) de Dissostichus spp.
Este documento presenta la segunda solicitud de Angola para la eliminación del Northern Warrior de la Lista de barcos de pesca INDNR-PNC, y su anexo contiene información adicional de apoyo para esta solicitud, que fue presentada por Angola en 2018 y que fue recibida dentro del plazo exigido por la MC 10-07. También se presenta un resumen de los antecedentes relativos a la inclusión del buque en la lista de barcos INDNR-PNC en 2016. Angola solicitó la eliminación del barco de la lista INDNR-PNC en CCAMLR-XXXVI; sin embargo, la Comisión consideró en aquel momento que se necesitaba más información y el barco permaneció en esa lista. El anexo de este documento contiene la información presentada en 2018 para que los participantes en la reunión, incluidos los observadores, puedan consultarla.
Following the submission of a first draft Conservation Measure for establishing a MPA in the Weddell Sea (WSMPA) to CCAMLR 2016, Germany has carried out further work on the WSMPA proposal and the EU has submitted a revised CM proposal to CCAMLR 2018.
This document is based on similar documents submitted to WG SAM 2018 and the CCAMLR Workshop on Spatial Management (WS-SM-18). It intends to inform the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment about the following revisions carried out to the WSMPA proposal, which would fall under the remit of, or might be of interest to participants at FSA 2018:
Unifying the previously two separate WSMPA parts into one coherent WSMPA by closing the gap on the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula;
Adjustment of the habitat of adult Antarctic toothfish in Statistical Subareas 48.6 and 48.5 because of further analyses and modelling of the habitat of adult Antarctic toothfish;
Establishment of scientific reference areas in Statistical Subarea 48.6 for monitoring the effects of harvesting on Antarctic marine living resources and for achieving the WSMPA specific objectives.
Changes to the WSMPA Management Plan and the WSMPA Research and Monitoring Plan, inter alia, by taking into account the outcome of the CCAMLR Workshop for the Development of a Dissostichus mawsoni Population Hypothesis for Area 48.
The document also informs FSA about the advice given by SAM 2018 and WS-SM-18 as regards the establishment (number, location and size) of unfished scientific reference areas in the habitat for adult Antarctic toothfish in Statistical Subarea 48.6 (see point 3 above). These reference areas could be used for comparative studies into the potential impacts of D. mawsoni fishing operations on the ecosystems and food webs, of which this species is a part.