Owing to commercial fishing during the late 1970s/early 1980s, targeted notothenioid species had become depleted around the South Shetland Islands. Herein we report subsequent changes in the prevalence of three species, Notothenia rossii, Gobionotothen gibberifrons and Notothenia coriiceps in Potter Cove, King George Islands/ Isla 25 de Mayo, in a 33-year effort to monitor recovery. N. rossii and G. gibberifrons had been severely impacted by
industrial fishing but in offshore waters N. coriiceps had never been commercially fished; however, all three species exhibit similar nearshore habitats and life history. We examined composition in trammel net catches during 2012–2016, augmenting a time series started in 1983. Our inshore results were consistent with those from offshore bottom trawl sampling in 2007 and 2012 around the South Shetland Islands: (1) continued increase in the abundance of N. rossii; (2) further decline in G. gibberifrons recruitment evidenced by low proportions of juvenile fish; and (3) a high abundance of N. coriiceps. Reasons for lack of recovery in G. gibberifrons remain obscure but seemingly relate to the dramatically changing ecosystem of the region
due in part to climate as well as recovery among previously depleted upper trophic level species. Our results are also consistent with trends reported in seabirds that feed on juveniles of these notothenioids: decrease in the areas commercially fished. Under the regulation of CCAMLR, commercial fishing for finfish in the South Shetland Islands region (FAO Subarea 48.1) remains prohibited since 1991; results indicate that it cannot be reinstated.
Annual report on the CCAMLR marine debris monitoring program.
El tema del tamaño apropiado de la muestra para medir la longitud del kril fue mencionado durante las reuniones WG-SISO-17 y WG-EMM-17. En este documento, se investigó este asunto a través de un estudio tipo en base a los datos de la longitud recolectados por los observadores científicos a bordo del barco de pesca de kril de China Fu Rong Hai durante la temporada de pesca de 2015/2016. La variabilidad de las características estadísticas de las distribuciones por tallas del kril de muestras de diferentes tamaños fue evaluada utilizando un método simple de bootstrap de remuestreo. Se estudiaron cuatro pautas típicas de la distribución por tallas del kril, a saber, unimodal, bimodal, unimodal con sesgo o asimetría hacia la izquierda, y unimodal con sesgo o asimetría hacia la derecha respectivamente. Los resultados indicaron que cuando el tamaño de la muestra era mayor de 100 ejemplares, la media y el coeficiente de varianza (CV) de la distribución de las longitudes del kril podrían no ser muy sensibles al tamaño de las muestras.