Closed mostly within the Weddell Sea Subarea 48.5 is one of the closed data-poor CCAMLR subareas, where stock assessment should be carried out. In spite of hard ice conditions during most of the time of the year, this large water area is very similar with the Ross Sea. This similarity, which could be found in geographical location, bathymetric profile and current system, highlight the Weddell Sea as one of the most promising area for exploratory fishery of Dissostichus sp. However, fishery in subarea 48.5 is closed on the basis data on stock absence. The main objective of the present program is collecting data for reliable stock assessment and following estimation of precautionary limits in accordance with CCAMLR decision rules. The program contains several phases and prospected for 3-5 years. Detailed plan of fishing operations, collecting and analysis of data will be provided for the Scientific Committee and Commission consideration.
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CCAMLR has agreed to consider and develop a feedback management approach for the krill fishery. Such a management approach may also require the development of a new or extended monitoring programme for dependent species, especially if the krill fishery is to operate over large spatial scales and in areas where no existing monitoring, including CEMP monitoring, is present. Here we consider some of the issues associated with the development of a new monitoring programme, outlining one possible approach. We encourage others to consider how other approaches may be developed so that CCAMLR is able to compare different possible approaches, considering the costs and benefits and trade-offs associated with each. We propose that CCAMLR consider the merits of different approaches over the next two years, so that it can agree a way forward and make best use of the recently established CEMP Fund.