Spawning locations of mackerel icefish at South Georgia
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Fishing for toothfish using pots: results of trials undertaken around South Georgia, March–May 2000
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A comparison between otoliths and scales for use in estimating the age of Dissostichus eleginoides from South Georgia
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Integration of CPUE data into assessments using the Generalised Yield Model
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The ecosystem approach to managing fisheries: achieving conservation objectives for predators of fished species
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Analysis of krill trawling positions north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula area), 1980/81–1999/2000
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The CCAMLR-2000 Krill Synoptic Survey: a description of the rationale and design
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Revised estimates of seabed areas within the 500 m isobath of the South Orkney Islands (subarea 48.2) and consequences for standing stock biomass estimates of nine species of finfish
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An index of per capita recruitment
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Distribution and abundance of Macrourus carinatus on BANZARE Bank in the southern Indian Ocean