Resultados de la búsqueda
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 228/XX (2001)
Limitation of By-catch in New and Exploratory Fisheries in the 2001/02 Season Area: Subarea 48.6 ... of By-catch in New and Exploratory Fisheries in the 2001/02 Season 1. This conservation measure ... applies to new and exploratory fisheries in all areas containing small-scale research units (SSRUs) in ...
Conservation Measure : 228/XX (2001)
Propuesta para establecer acuerdos formales de cooperación entre la Organización Regional de Ordenación Pesquera del Pacífico Sur (SPRFMO) y la Comisión para la Conservación de los Recursos Vivos Marinos Antárticos (CCRVMA)
between the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) and the Commission for the ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/16 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat
Informe del Secretario Ejecutivo para 2014 incluye el Informe del tercer año de implementación del Plan Estratégico de la Secretaría (2012–2014) y de la correspondiente Estrategia de Sueldos y Dotación de Personal (2012–2014)
Author(s): Executive Secretary Title: Executive Secretary’s Report – 2014, including Third-Year ... Implementation Report for the Secretariat’s Strategic Plan (2012–2014) and Third-Year Implementation Report for ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIII/06 : Autor(es): Executive Secretary
Propuesta de modificación de la Medida de Conservación 51-06 para aumentar la cobertura de observadores científicos en las pesquerías de kril
proposed in order to increase scientific observation coverage in krill fisheries Microsoft Word File: e-cc ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/35 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): Delegations of Chile and Norway
Análisis e informe resumido del Procedimiento de Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la CCRVMA (PECC)
/76, the Secretariat has prepared the Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report (Summary Report) based on the ... on 7 August 2019 and the Summary Report containing Contracting Party responses is Annex 1 to this ... Report and analysis Microsoft Word File: e-cc-38-13r2.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/13 Rev. 2 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat
Conservation measures 2018/19 adopted track changes
. (ii) Fisheries monitoring centre (FMC): means the government authority or agency of a Flag State ... Annex 10-04/C. For finfish fisheries, commencing 1 December 2015, the ALC must transmit VMS data every ... hour while the fishing vessel is operating in the Convention Area. For all other fisheries, the ALC ... longline fisheries subject to conservation measures adopted at CCAMLR-XXIII; or (ii) but not later than ...
Document : Site Section: Conservation and Management
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 141/XVI (1997)
Exploratory Fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.6 in the 1997/98 ... Exploratory Fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.6 in the 1997/98 Season The ... exploratory fisheries by Russia, South Africa and Ukraine. The fisheries shall be conducted by no more than ... precautionary catch limit for these exploratory fisheries in Statistical Subarea 58.6 shall be limited to 658 ... limit, the fisheries shall be closed. 3. For the purpose of these exploratory fisheries, the fishing ...
Conservation Measure : 141/XVI (1997)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 33-03 (2002)
Limitation of By-catch in New and Exploratory Fisheries in the 2002/03 Season Area: Division ... -03 (2002)1 Limitation of By-catch in New and Exploratory Fisheries in the 2002/03 Season Species ... exploratory fisheries in all areas containing small-scale research units (SSRUs) in the 2002/03 season except ... CATCH LIMITS FOR NEW AND EXPLORATORY FISHERIES IN THE 2002/03 SEASON By-catch Catch Limit (tonnes ...
Conservation Measure : 33-03 (2002)
Informe del Secretario Ejecutivo para 2015 incluido el Informe del primer año de implementación del Plan Estratégico de la Secretaría (2015–2018) y de la correspondiente Estrategia de Sueldos y Dotación del Personal
Author(s): Executive Secretary Title: Executive Secretary’s Report, 2015 including First Year ... Implementation Report for the Secretariat’s Strategic Plan (2015–2018) and Implementation Report for the Staffing ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/14 : Autor(es): Executive Secretary
Towards an initial operational management procedure for the krill fishery in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3
International Commission for the South East Atlantic Fisheries (ICSEAF) has recently designed a series of ... evident in the extract of the Report of the Working Group on Krill (CCAMLR, 1989a) which was referenced ... for fisheries management elsewhere in the world. For example, data are seldom adequate to allow ... evidence from ancillary data." ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Helpful discussions with Denzil Miller (Sea Fisheries ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 189–219 : Autor(es): Butterworth, D.S.