Resultados de la búsqueda
June-July 1985 (E) Preliminary report on biological observations and exploratory fishing data ... making as part of the CCAMLR management regime (E) Some principles for fisheries regulation from an ... problem in fisheries management that the limits to the productivity of a stock can only be detected by ... Living Resources. 1985. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee, Annex 4 Report of ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Informe de pesquería: Dissostichus eleginoides Isla Heard (División 58.5.2)
FISHERY REPORT: DISSOSTICHUS ELEGINOIDES HEARD ISLAND (DIVISION 58.5.2) CONTENTS Page 1 ... ................................................................................... 26 FISHERY REPORT: DISSOSTICHUS ELEGINOIDES HEARD ISLAND (DIVISION 58.5.2) 1. Details ... selectivities between trawl and longline sub-fisheries in Division 58.5.2 was estimated in WG-FSA-06/64. This ... 85 694 85 694 158 12 2007 1 July SC DT 85 694 85 694 158 12 12. A report of the methodology and ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Informe del Grupo de Trabajo de Seguimiento y Ordenación del Ecosistema (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, 2 a 13 de julio de 2012)
Title: Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (Santa Cruz de Tenerife ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXI/03
Informe del Grupo de trabajo de Estadística, Evaluación y Modelado (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, 25 al 29 de junio de 2012)
Title: Report of the Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (Santa Cruz de ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXI/05
Developing the Secretariat’s data management systems
fisheries and krill fisheries) • Vessel operations (e.g. licensing, transhipments and VMS) • Vessel catch ... -entry) > re-submission On-submission DQA report (to submitter) Load to staging database Data registry ... ETL DQA DQA report > pass/fail and audit log DWH and integration ETL and audit report Metadata ... currently receive a report for submitted observer logbooks). This step will include a DQA pass/fail ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-08 (2009)
DRAFT REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ... 2 550 tonnes west of 79°20'E. Season 3. For the purpose of the trawl and pot fisheries for ... Secretary no later than the end of the next reporting period; (iii) a report must be submitted by every ... each report refers; (vi) immediately after the deadline has passed for receipt of the reports for ...
Conservation Measure : 41-08 (2009)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-08 (2008)
DRAFT REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP CONSERVATION ... °20'E. Catch limit 2. For the purpose of the trawl and pot fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides ... reach the Executive Secretary no later than the end of the next reporting period; (iii) a report must ... (A, B and C) to which each report refers; (vi) immediately after the deadline has passed for ...
Conservation Measure : 41-08 (2008)
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Performance Review Report: overview of practices in other ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/07 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Informe de la sexta reunión del subgrupo de trabajo sobre métodos para prospecciones y análisis acústicos (Bergen, Noruega, 17 al 20 de abril de 2012)
Title: Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXI/06
Informe resumido de la CCRVMA sobre el cumplimiento
Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat Title: Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report Microsoft Word File: e-cc ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/36 Rev. 2 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat