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Mandato y organización del trabajo del Comité Permanente de Ejecución y Cumplimiento (SCIC)
appropriate interaction with other fisheries or conservation management, technical or scientific ... ). SCIC Terms of Reference 110 (ix) prepare a report on its activities and recommendations, as well as ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 119/XVII (1998)
its annual report pursuant to paragraph 12 of the CCAMLR System of Inspection, steps it has taken to ... System for Trawl and Longline Fisheries The Commission hereby adopts the following Conservation Measure ...
Conservation Measure : 119/XVII (1998)
/prey interactions in the Scotia Sea: implications for measuring predator/fisheries overlap K. Reid, M ... . Croxall, K. Reid, U.J. Staniland and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom) WG-EMM-02/24 World Fisheries Congress ... . Foster (Australia) WG-EMM-02/26 Conserving seabirds competing with fisheries for food – observations from ...
Analysis of results from demersal fish surveys at South Georgia, undertaken by the United Kingdom and the USSR, January and February 1990
United Kingdom and the USSR, January and February 1990 Abstract / Description: The report describes ... (Report of a Joint UK/USSR Workshop, 23 to 27 July 1990) Abstract The report describes discussions and ... been provided to the UK in the formats requested, in advance of the workshop, and a report describing ... been sent to USSR in advance of the workshop and a report, in preparation for the next CCAMLR Working ... -samples to the number of the baskets in the total catch. It was agreed that the report of the Hill Cove ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 223–254 : Autor(es): (Report of a Joint UK/USSR Workshop, 23 to 27 July 1990)
Fisher training exchanges in seabird mitigation
report documents the process and outcomes of the first exchange to occur, which was for the placement of ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/47 : Autor(es): S. Waugh (New Zealand)
Polish krill fishery in the 1991/92 and 1992/93 seasons results of catches and biological investigations
, attained in the 1992/1993 season. The report presents an analysis of Polish krill catches in the 1991/1992 ...
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/09 : Autor(es): J. Sosinski and Z. Cielniaszek (Poland)
Correlation of sea-surface temperature in Ross Sea, Weddell Sea and the sea off Peru for the ice analysis
Abstract: Following the note by the Working Group in paragraph 4.21 in WG-SAM-17 report on the ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-17/08 : Autor(es): T. Namba, T. Ichii and T. Okuda
PARKES, G.B., I. EVERSON, J. SOSINSKI, Z. CIELNIASZEK AND J. SZLAKOWSKI. 1989. Report of the joint UK ... , Imperial College, 8 Prince's Gardens, London SWllNA, UK 4 Sea Fisheries Institute, al. Zjednoczenia 1 ... size (Tyler and Dunn, 1976). We report here on our findings of the food composition and feeding ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
A simulation study of the method of deriving natural mortality rate using data for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3
. The Atlantic Research Institute of Fisheries and Dceanography, 5 Dimitry Donskoy St., Kaliningrad ... . CCAMLR. 1990. Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment. In: Report of the Ninth Meeting of ... for fisheries management in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Document SC-CAMLR-VIIIIBGI16 ... for C. gunnari, N. squamifrons and P.b. guntheri, based on Soviet data. In: Report of the Eighth ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 69–83 : Autor(es): Gasyukov, P.S. and R.S. Dorovskikh
The toothfish fishery in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 from 1997/98 to 2002/03: New Zealand vessel summary
toothfish and associated bycatch from the fishing operations has been collected. The purpose of this report ... this report is confined to data for the New Zealand vessels. The heavy ice conditions caused by the ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-03/44 : Autor(es): M.L. Stevenson, S.M. Hanchet and P.L. Horn (New Zealand)