Resultados de la búsqueda
... ’ contributions per 100 000 tonnes of krill; • the amount harvested shall be calculated as the average catch ... proportion of fish and krill in the total catch of each country; • the maximum percentage of total ... particular examine the finfish/krill coefficient in the light of additional scientific evidence regarding ... the relative yield of finfish and krill.’ PROCEDURES FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO application/pdf attached to:SCAF-87
Meeting Report : SCAF-87
... Developments in integrated stock assessment methodologies for krill ................ 161 Evaluation of ... . Developments in integrated stock assessment methodologies for krill 2.43 WG-SAM-14/20 described an integrated ... stock assessment model for krill that combines an age-structured cohort model with survey observations ... substantive progress in developing an integrated assessment for krill since the last paper (WG-EMM-12/27 application/pdf attached to:WG-SAM-14
Meeting Report : WG-SAM-14
... ........................................................................... 7 Krill resources ........................................................................... 7 ... Krill ................................................................................... 49 Other ... (ASOC), the Association of Responsible Krill Operators (ARK), the Commission for the Conservation of ... contributed to positive outcomes of the meeting. Harvested species Krill resources 5.2 In 2012/13 (to 20 application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXXII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXXII
Volume 8: CCAMLR. 1996. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 8 (1986–1995). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
are required for krill and fmfish from the whole of the Convention Area. 1.11 Some of the data ... . Reporting of fine-scale data for krill, however, was required from Subarea 48.2 from the 1985/86 season ... latitude sur lOde longitude et par periodes de 10 jours. Ces donnees sont exigees pour le krill et les ... le krill, cependant, a ete demandee pour la sous-zone 48.2, des la saison 1985/86, pour les zones ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 16: CCAMLR. 2004. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 16 (1994–2003). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
November 2003. Note that some tables include catches of krill taken outside the Convention Area, for ... required since 1987/88. Reporting of fine-scale data for krill, however, has been required from Subarea ... captures de krill effectuées en dehors de la zone de la Convention, par exemple, dans la division 41.3.2 ... 1987/88. Celle des données à échelle précise sur le krill, cependant, est exigée pour la sous-zone ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP)
biodiversity, protect predators and prey (including penguins, seals, whales, krill and Antarctic silverfish ...
Page : Site Section: Science
Expertos internacionales en ciencias marinas antárticas se reúnen en Hobart
for toothfish, icefish and krill. CCAMLR is a consensus-based organisation consisting of 25 Members ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Fishery Report: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3b
for krill (SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 5, paragraphs 5.250 to 5.252; van Wijk et al., 2003), where the ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-04 (2007)
paragraph and paragraphs thereafter do not apply to the krill fisheries, with the exception of paragraphs ...
Conservation Measure : 10-04 (2007)
Investigations of required sampling regimes for environmental parameters
species (especially krill) and changes resulting from environmental variability (SC-CAMLR-V, Annex 6 ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 561–573 : Autor(es): Agnew, D.J.