Resultados de la búsqueda
Relationships between the distribution of whales and Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at South Georgia
Abstract: The distribution of whales and krill in two survey boxes north of South Georgia was ... )) occurred close to the, largest single aggregation of krill. The level of association between baleen whales ... and krill was examined at a number of spatial scales. There was a positive relationship between whale ... abundance and mean krill density at the largest spatial scale examined (80 x 100km). At progressively ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/30 : Autor(es): K. Reid, A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom) and G.A. Nevitt (USA)
Relationships of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) variability with westerlies fluctuations and ozone depletion in the Antarctic Peninsula area
Abstract: The assessment of environmental processes controlling variability of Antarctic krill ... variability of krill recruitment and stock density with hypothesised environmental factors. We demonstrated ... long-term relationship between Antarctic krill recruitment in the Antarctic Peninsula area and sea ... meaning strong westerly winds coincided with good levels of krill recruitment in 1981182 (austral summer ...
Meeting Document : WS-AREA 48-98/5 : Autor(es): M. Naganobu, K. Kutsuwada, Y. Sasai and S. Taguchi (Japan)
The need to reduce uncertainties in the Antarctic krill fishery
Abstract: Abstract Interest in krill fishing continues to grow. To ensure that this fishery ... . Lack of sufficient information about abundance of krill and krill predator populations, their ... delaying the establishment of krill catch limits among small-scale management units (SSMUs) in Area 48 ... . Uncertainties over krill escape mortality and the impact of krill fishing on fish larvae and krill predators are ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/21 : Autor(es): ASOC Observer
Inter-annual variability in krill density at South Georgia: 1997–2012
Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) are a key species in Southern Ocean ecosystems ... krill was examined using a 15 year time series of acoustic observations undertaken in the Western Core ... Box (WCB) survey area to the north of South Georgia, Southern Ocean. Krill targets were identified in ... acoustic data using a multi-frequency identification window and converted to krill density using the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/14 : Autor(es): S. Fielding, J.L Watkins, P. Trathan, P. Enderlein, C. Waluda, C. Goss, G. Stowasser, G. Tarling and E. Murphy (United Kingdom)
Recommendations on estimating krill escape mortality during fishing operations: the problems and approaches
Abstract: The task to estimate the escape mortality of krill during the fishing operation ... assigned by Scientific Committee requires assessment of the total krill passed through the rope and netting ... parts of trawl and krill amount appeared unviable in the process of escapement. The recommendations ... ». Estimation of the total amount of krill escaped from the rope and netting parts of the trawl is proposed to ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-10/06 : Autor(es): V.K. Korotkov and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
New page in the Antarctic krill fishing (Translation from The Fishing Industry of Ukraine, 1–2/2007: 11–14)
Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is one of the largest marine resources of animal ... origin protein on the planet. Krill is the key element of the Antarctic Region ecosystem. Construction of ... modern vessels for krill fisheries and processing is foreseen anyway; introduction of new technologies on ... krill catch and resulting products, such as krill oil, hidrolizates, astaxanthine-related antioxidants ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXVI/BG/26 : Autor(es): Delegation of Ukraine
Differentiated catchability of trawls as a method for a more precise estimate of density of krill swarms and its biomass
Abstract: Krill escapement in different parts of krill trawls and their differentiated ... catchability have been studied. It is shown that krill possesses behavioural peculiarities representing ... fished krill swarms should be performed on the based of differentiated catchability of krill trawls. A ... mathematical model of krill trawling has been developed for estimating the above values. Author(s): V. Akishin ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/21 : Autor(es): V. Akishin (Russia)
Patterns and processes in the distribution and dynamics of Antarctic krill
distribution and dynamics of Antarctic krill population at various spatial and temporal scales. We suggest that ... models of increasing complexity be developed iteratively for variability and patchiness of krill ... critical processes to be added. An analysis of spatial distribution of krill in the Bransfield Strait area ... reveals that purely physical models of turbulent redistribution are not sufficient to explain krill ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/20 : Autor(es): United States of America
Preliminary observation about the possibility of Antarctic krill escapement from a trawl net
Abstract: We observed whether Antarctic krill escaped from the trawl net or not using an ... 2011. To avoid the influence of camera lighting on krill behavior, the observation was conducted during ... daytime. Few krill appeared to escape from posterior part of trawl net. When the trawl net caught dense ... krill swarms, krill escaped from anterior part of trawl net. Krill were observed to swim actively after ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/66 : Autor(es): K. Fujita and S. Hasegawa (Japan)
Some aspects of spatial–temporal variability of hydrodynamic water circulation and krill distribution in the Scotia Sea
Abstract: The authors considered the inter-annual variability of krill transport factors in the ... analysis were the geostrophic water masses circulation and krill transport factors, including variability ... of water masses (kg / m 3) and krill biomass (g / m3) transporting across the survey area. Obtained ... krill in subareas/SSMUs in the Scotia Sea is in a greater degree a reflection of the dynamics of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/39 : Autor(es): S.M. Kasatkina and V.N. Shnar