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Fitting Euphausia superba into Southern Ocean food-web models: a review of data sources and their limitations
, either from individual to schooling krill, or from one region to another. File: Atkinson-krill.pdf ... conservative recent estimate of 19 million km2 (Atkinson et al., 2009). Table 1 shows that modern acoustic ... of krill is estimated and then scaled to a volume of water. Figure 1 illus- trates schematically the ... observations have always been assumed as exceptional, anecdotal, or winter-only and have Table 1: The major ... estimates for this area (see Table 2). Survey CCAMLR Area (see Figure 1) Area surveyed (million km2 ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 19 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 19) : 219–245 : Autor(es): A. Atkinson, S. Nicol, S. Kawaguchi, E. Pakhomov, L. Quetin, R. Ross, S. Hill, C. Reiss, V. Siegel, G. Tarling (submitted to the 2008 Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop)
documents Doc Number Title WG-FSA-00/1 Provisional and Annotated Provisional Agenda for the 2000 Meeting of ... . Bukatin and V. Khvichya (Russia) WG-FSA-00/48 Rev. 1 IUCN/CITES criteria for critically endangered ...
WG-FSA-12 Information Note
WG-FSA-12 participants. 1. Dates 8 to 19 October 2012. 2. Venue CCAMLR Headquarters, 181 Macquarie ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
which the existence of State sovereignty is recognized by all Contracting Parties. "1. Measures for ... , would be enforced by France. The system of observation and inspection foreseen by the Convention would ... the manner so agreed. 5. The understandings, set forth in paragraphs 1-4 above, regarding the ... 1. To take all possible steps to bring the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Letter from the Convener
Convener, WG-EMM https ...
Document : Site Section: Meetings
Brief report of the joint Soviet-Australian expedition of the USSR FRV Professor Mesyatsev to the Australian fishing zone around the territory of Heard and McDonald Islands, May-August, 1987
is given. File: 03-Gherasimchook-et-al.pdf ... austral. Se trata la estabilidad de la concentracion en relacion a las condiciones del medio ambiente ... nOJIYlllapJ.lH. 06cymAaeTcH cTa6J.1JIbHOCTb CKOnJIeHJ.lH lI\YKOBJ.lAHOH 6eJIOKpOBKJ.I B CBH3J.1 C ... Research Conducted during the Expedition: 1. Acoustic survey of the sea-bed and an investigation of the ... ). Ichthyoplankton collections were made with a drifting PNS-1 net. 3. The bottom was sampled at some shallower ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 75-103 : Autor(es): Gherasimchook, V.V., V.N. Brodin, A.V. Kljausov, I.B. Russelo, P.V. Tishkov and N.B. Zaremba
): Monday, 12 July 2004 to Friday, 23 July 2004 Meeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-04/1 Provisional ... . Gales and C. Southwell (Australia) WG-EMM-04/66 Rev. 1 The structure and spatial distribution of ...
A stock assessment model of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea Region incorporating multi-year mark-recapture data
fluctuations as the time series develops, a signal which is not present in the fishery-dependent data. File ... east, in the ‘Amundsen Sea region’ (ASR), and is managed separately (Figure 1). The RSR exploratory ... RSR. 60° S 65° S 70° S 75° S 80° S 150 °E 160° E 170°E 180°E 170°W 160°W 150°W Figure 1 ... permanent ice shelf (light grey) and the 1 000 m depth contour ... . _______________________________________________________________ 1 The CCAMLR fishing season starts on 1 December and ends on 30 November in the following year ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 21 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 21) : 39–62 : Autor(es): Mormede, S., A. Dunn and S.M. Hanchet
survey on the Ob and Lena Banks Observer (Ukraine) WG-FSA-94/9 Rev. 1 New data on spawning, hatching and ...
Response to Everson (2008)
Paper Title: Response to Everson (2008) File: 11brierley-et-al.pdf ... (SD) of 11.38 million tonnes (Demer and Conti, 2005). Heywood et al. (2006) analysed 1 n mile along ... number of transects (n) as the denominator, whilst the variance calculation uses (n×(n–1)) as the ... distance along transect (1 n mile in the case of Heywood et al., 2006) is considered in a framework of ... explicitly to estimate the density in units of the same spatial dimension (1 n mile x 1 n mile in this case ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 15 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 15) : 195–198 : Autor(es): Brierley, A.S., B.G. Heywood and S.F. Gull