We submitted the results on analysis of conversion factors of Antartic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni in accordance with decision of Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR-XXXIV, paragraphs 3.93 and 3.94). This report analyzed the conversion factor of toothfishes caught by Korean bottom long-line fishing vessels that operated in CCAMLR Convention Area in 2015/16 fishing season
Korean research fishing was conducted in Subarea 88.3 from 8 February 2016 to 5 March 2016 in 2015/16 fishing season. The total number of days fished are 41 of 76 days stayed in the fishing grounds. The total catch of D. mawsoni was 106,241 kg with 5,227 individuals, and their CPUE recorded 0.19 kg/hook. 566 individuals of D. mawsoni were tagged and released. Tagging rate and tag overlap statistics in Subarea 88.3 were 5.3 and 82%, respectively. Length frequency of D. mawsoni had two peaks and both small and large individuals are believed to inhabit area 88.3. The maturity of D. mawsoni dominated that stage 1 and 2 had high proportion among the maturity stages during the survey period. To get biological information of species in detail, otolith, stomach contents, gonad and muscle were collected from each individual of D. mawsoni. We also collected temperature and salinity using CTD at 9 stations.
The research fishing was conducted in Division 58.4.1 from 9 January 2016 to 21 March 2016 in 2015/16 fishing season. One additional national observer was on board to perform various scientific researches. The total catch of D. mawsoni was 227,220 kg with 6,642 individuals. The CPUE of D. mawsoni recorded 0.31 kg/hook. 1,138 individuals of D. mawsoni and 5 individuals of D. eleginoides were tagged and released and additionally satellite archival tags were attached to 5 individuals of D. mawsoni. In Division 58.4.1, tagging rate and tag overlap statistics of D. mawsoni were 5.0 and 82 %, respectively. Five individuals of tagged D. mawsoni were recaptured, and a satellite archival tag was also collected from one of the individuals released during 2014/15 fishing season. The research vessel, Kingstar has encountered unknown vessels and fishing gears during research fishing in SSRU C and E of the Division 58.4.1 and reported the information to the Secretariat. To get biological information of species, otolith, stomach contents, gonad, muscle, liver and gill were collected from each individual of D. mawsoni. Total 20 times of plankton sampling were conducted in the area of Division 58.4.1. A Compact CTD (Micro CAT, SBE37SMP) planned to be used in Division 58.4.1 could not operate due to technical issues with the CTD connector. A thermometer of vessel was used for measuring the surface temperature, while observing sea ice.
Throughout exploratory longline fishing within Division 58.4.1 Australian vessel FV Antarctic Discovery deployed benthic video camera systems 15 times and environmental data loggers 33 times. Substrate was generally soft sediments or a combination of soft sediments and cobble stones. Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem indicator species were seen in low numbers within videos. The data collected during the 2015/16 season provides the beginnings of a dataset to allow for spatially-explicit habitat-use models for toothfish.
Robust stock assessments and catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined for Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2, and precautionary management arrangements are in place as set out in Conservation Measures 41-11 and 41-05. A research plan (WG-FSA-15/47 Rev. 1) was developed under Conservation Measure 41–01 for an Australian vessel, FV Antarctic Discovery, to participate in exploratory fishing within these Divisions. This paper reports on the fishing operation, catch composition, tagging and biological sampling undertaken by Australia in SSRUs 58.4.1E and 58.4.1G. A total of 82 research lines were completed over 27 fishing days between 29th January and 4th March 2016. Vessel logbooks recorded a total of 51980.9 kg of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) and 581.6 kg of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). Macroscopic evaluation of maturity stage indicated that both immature and mature (gonad stage ≥ 3) D. mawsoni were present in both SSRUs. The most commonly caught bycatch group was grenadiers (Macrourus spp.), followed by icefish (Channichthyidae), moray cods (Muraenolepis spp.), skates (Rajiformes) and violet cod (Antimora rostrata). Target and bycatch species were sampled for total length, standard length, whole weight, sex and gonad stage in accordance with Conservation Measure 41-01. A total of 247 D. mawsoni and 16 D. eleginoides were tagged, and 3 D. mawsoni were recaptured. Voyage outcomes are evaluated in relation to the current stock hypothesis for the region, and their progress towards achievement of the research objectives outlined in WG-FSA-15/47 Rev. 1. This is a companion paper to Maschette et al. (2016) which reports on the collection of environmental data under Objective 2 of the research plan.
The third year research plan of Ukraine in subarea 48.2 by the fishing vessel SIMEIZ is provided. The survey design remains the same as in the second (2016) year. Ukraine proposes to divide the stock (the catch limit) in the researched area on two blocks – Northern and Southern, in order to reach maximum coverage of the subarea by the research stations.
The second year survey and observations of Dissostichusspp. in statistical subarea 48.2 on board the Ukrainian vessel SIMEIZ were conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee and Commission. The second year survey design was amended in comparison with the one of the first year and approved by WGs SAM, FSA and SC CCAMLR. Obtained data will be used for the future biomass estimation of the target species and making decision for the future fishing on that fishing ground. During the survey the fragments of IUU nets were taken on board.
A proposal for a Joint SC-CAMLR and SC-IWC two-day Workshop to develop multi-species models of the Antarctic marine ecosystem was discussed at the SC-CAMLR 2014, and a steering group to progress a Joint IWC–CCAMLR Workshop was formed (SC-CAMLR 2014 Paragraph 10.25). The joint workshop was perceived as an opportunity to increase knowledge on specific species and their interactions in different management areas, possibly initially focussing on the Antarctic Peninsula given it is a high-priority area for both CCAMLR and IWC (IWC SC 2015 Report). The steering group developed a paper identifying draft terms of reference (SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/BG/33). This was tabled to and endorsed by the SC-CAMLR 2015. This ToR is also scheduled to be discussed at the IWC-SC meeting in June 2016 together with the draft agenda proposed in this document.