This paper summarises the activities undertaken by Australia in the Convention Area during the year to 30 June 1996 related to the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality due to marine debris and fishing operations
The principal results of the monitoring survey on marine debris carried out at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, during the Antarctic season 1995/96 is given.
During the present survey a total of 4 251 articles with a total weight of 65.8 kg were obtained. As occurred in previous seasons, the plastic was the principal item (4 015 pieces) with a 94.45%; followed by glass (147 pieces), 3.46%; metal (77 pieces), 1.81%; and paper (12 pieces), with a 0.28% From the plastic item, those used in fisheries were 1 195 articles (strapping bands and net pieces). The total density of marine debris collected at the site have increased from 0.65 articles/m2 in 1993/94 to 1.02 in 1994/95, and 1.52 in 1995/96.
Some Larus dominicanus, Chionis alba, and .Pygoscelis antarctica continue using some plastic fibres to buildt their nests. On the other hand, four specimens of Arctocephalus gazella were observed with neck collars: two juveniles, and two pups three months old. All these animals were immovilized in order to take off their neck collars; after that they were released.
As occurred in the Antarctic season 1994/95, several plastic pieces (51) show evidences of having been processed into incinerators before been thrown into the water. Therefore, it is possible to infer that the ashes produced have been also disposed into the sea. If so, it would be a fact against to the international agreements about protection of the sea.
Upon these basis, it is suggested that CCAMLR may produce a booklet with didactic information and guidelines about basical and fundamental actions to be taken especially on board of fishing ships in order to avoid marine pollution, as well as to be used for teaching activities for the captain, and the chief of fisheries crew before to be embarked. This would be a complement to CCAMLR acrylic on the avoidance of incidental mortality of Antarctic marine animals.