This paper describes the current status and possible further development of the CCAMLR Website as it is used to support the work of WG-EMM.
The development of CEMP indices derived from visual data (indices F1, F3 and F4), automatic weather stations and satellite imagery is explored with reference to the CEMP sites at Edmonson Point (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Subarea 88.1) and Béchervaise Island (Mawson, Eastern Antarctica, Division 58.4.2). Possible links between the extent or sea-ice adjacent to CEMP sites, weather conditions at or near CEMP sites, and the dynamics of penguins during the breeding season are discussed.
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program uses indices derived from data on indicator species and the environment collected by standard methods within the three Integrated Study Regions of the Convention Area. Standardised index values are re-calculated each year as new data become available, and trends and anomalies in these data are presented.
Fisheries targeting krill (Euphausia superba) in the CCAMLR Convention Area during 1998/99 caught 103318 t of krill, and preliminary information indicates that the catch in 1999/00 will exceed 82913 t. Krill caught in 1998/99 was taken in Subareas 48.1 (38% of total catch), 48.2 (49%) and 48.3 (13%). As in recent past years, only grounds in Area 48 were fished. Catch and effort data and observer data submitted to the Secretariat are discussed, together with other information on krill obtained at the request of WG-EMM.
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Data of satellite monitoring (GOES-E) of the sea surface temperature (SST) and realtime data from vessels allow us to understand the hydrologic situation off South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) in December, 1999 - January, 2000. Using the database of the SST maps for 1990-1991 and the current standard weekly SST maps, we have developed mean monthly SST maps, maps of the SST anomalies, and maps of difference between the current SST maps (the season of 1999-2000) and those for the season of 1990-1991. Analysis of the SST distribution in Subarea 48.3 developed by January, 2000 has revealed an unfavorable hydrologic situation for formation and maintenance of mass concentrations of krill (Euphausia superba) in shelf waters off South Georgia. This is primarily explained by an intensive advection of the Weddell Sea waters. The SST maps for December, 1999 and January, 2000 illustrate the event. The transformed Weddell Sea waters spread far north-westward up to 50-51° S and the associated krill transport passes the South Georgia shelf on the east because there are no favorable conditions to form mass concentrations in these waters.