Important catches of sea pens (Pennatulacea, NTW) in the 58.4.4b sector (Lena bank) have been reported during the CCAMLR SAM Working Group 2018 (see WG-SAM-18/31 "Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.4b in 2016/17 fishing season" by Japanese and French delegations).
Detail of French catches, with abundances and weights are provided here (Tab.1). Data and specimens have been collected according to the French protocol for benthic invertebrate survey, which includes the exhaustive collection of the organisms caught by the longlines (see WG-EMM-17/09). This report does not include the latest data collected.
Marine debris data were collected at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, at Signy Island, South Orkneys and at Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula for the period April 2017 to March 2018. Surveys of beached marine debris at Bird Island recorded a total of 371 items during austral winter (April to September 2017) and 111 items during summer (October 2017 to March 2018). Thirteen items of beached debris were recorded at Signy Island (operational during summer only; 6 November 2017 to 31 March 2018). Twenty-seven items of beached marine debris were recorded at Goudier Island (operational 16 November 2017 to 6 March 2018). Entanglements of seven Antarctic fur seals were observed at Bird Island and two at King Edward Point with no marine mammal entanglements recorded at Signy Island or Goudier Island. In total, 70 items of marine debris were found in association with seabird colonies at Bird Island, most commonly in association with wandering albatrosses (36 items; 51 %). One incidence of an entangled wandering albatross was reported; a bird with a white cable tie around its leg - this was removed successfully. There were no observed incidences of hydrocarbon soiling at any site during the reporting period. Overall, the occurrence of beached marine debris was above the long-term mean at both Bird Island and Goudier Island but below the mean at Signy Island. The incidence of marine mammal entanglements was below the long-term mean at all sites surveyed. Debris associated with seabird colonies was above the mean level for black-browed albatrosses, but below the mean for wandering albatrosses, grey-headed albatrosses and giant petrels.
Data collected by fishery observers aboard French deep-sea bottom longline vessels, targeting Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), were examined to quantify and describe shark bycatch within the Kerguelen EEZ (northern part of the plateau). From 2006 to 2016, crew reported the total catches of the line and observers were asked to identify and count fish bycatch on 25% of the total fishing effort. A total of 26 203 longline hauls and more than 55 million hooks were checked by observers reporting 29 500 sharks. Four shark species were identified (Etmopterus viator, Somniosus antarcticus, Centroscymnus coelolepis and Lamna nasus) among which E. viator was numerically largely dominant (99%). An abundance index (number of shark per 1 000 hooks observed) was used to show bathymetric and geographical distributions and biological data were also analysed. There were marked differences between distributions of the shark bycatch species and their relative abundance. Length-frequency for E. viator showed a bimodal distribution characterizing a long-lived species and stopping growth of adults. The study also revealed females significantly taller than males and the deepest record of E. viator in Kerguelen waters and probably for the species.
Preliminary results of the pilot study of the mesozooplankton in the region between the Ross and Scotia Seas during November 2017 – April 2018 are presented. In total, 53 zooplankton samples were collected in the top 100 m water layer using vertical tows of the 0.1 m-2 Juday net from four Ukrainian longliners operating during the Antarctic toothfish fishery. While providing basic information on the zooplankton density, distribution, community composition and seasonal dynamics, this pilot study emphasized the unique opportunity to investigate mesozooplankton dynamics in the regions traditionally not sampled during the oceanographic surveys. It also created unprecedented opportunities to increase the seasonal and geographical zooplankton sampling coverage at the fraction of the cost of the full scale oceanographic surveys. The potential of such surveys are enormous in both providing invaluable information, contributing to existing long-term data bases and enhancing an international collaboration in the Southern Ocean, particularly in light of recent modelling initiatives of the whole Antarctic system undertaken by the CCAMLR.
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We inform on the results of the data validation experiment provided for pictures from time-lapse cameras of the CEMP camera monitoring project of CCAMLR at Galindez Island gentoo colonies. During the 2017-2018 season biologists winterers at Vernadsky station, situated at Galindez Island, provided continuous observations every day of gentoo nests in the three sites where automatic time-lapse cameras installed. The results of visual observations have been compared with data from camera pictures, which registered the same nests that were observed. The comparison of the lay, hatch, and crèche dates demonstrates the reasonable correspondence within 0-3 days between visual observations and data, obtained by pictures processed with the standard deviation for each event vary from ±1 to ±3 days for 5 control nests at the each of three test sites.
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This paper presents an update of the metrics of capacity and capacity utilisation presented in WG-SAM-14/19 and WG-FSA-15/09 in order to monitor trends in capacity in exploratory toothfish fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The updated metrics show the same pattern as in previous updates and do not indicate an excess of capacity in the fishery. Interpretation of data for 2018 should be made in the context of changes in the area of operation and the application of fishery closures in the exploratory fishery in Subarea 88.1.
The Secretariat has prepared a meta-analysis of the target and by-catch reported in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries (as an update to WG-FSA-15/04 Rev. 1). The number of fish belonging to target species divided by the total number of fish caught (the target catch ratio) is used as simple metric of the relative level of target and by-catch reported for each haul. This index showed little variation between gear type and area. However, it appears that the differences in reporting between Members that were identified in 2015 remain apparent in the data. Measures to improve the quality of bycatch data reported in CCAMLR fisheries may include the development of a detailed manual on by-catch sampling as well as bycatch profiles for individual fisheries and gear types.