Résultats de la recherche
Antarctic krill in the Elephant Island area (Antarctic Peninsula) during austral summer 2001 V. Siegel ... and 2000–2001 on satellite data and information about krill catches in Subarea 48.3 G. Vanyushin ... (Russia) WG-EMM-01/12 Sources of variance in studies of krill population genetics S.N. Jarman and S. Nicol ... (Australia) WG-EMM-01/13 Distribution and size of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Polish ...
Developing layers for a Risk Assessment for Subarea 48.1 using data from at-sea sightings
Abstract: CCAMLR has endorsed the use of the Risk Assessment framework to apportion the krill ... catch limits in order to minimise the risk of the fishery to krill dependent predators. We plan to apply ... identify the most appropriate way to spread catch limits for the krill fishery. The risk assessment ... framework requires data layers describing the distribution and krill consumption by krill-dependent ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/23 : Auteur(s): V. Warwick-Evans, L. Dalla Rosa, E. Secchi, E. Seyboth, N. Kelly and P.N. Trathan
, I.L., Iverson, S.J., Arnould, J.P.Y. WG-EMM-97/15 Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia ... seabirds Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P., Reid, K. WG-EMM-97/16 Development of the krill stock in the elephant ... island region during the 1996/97 season Siegel, V. WG-EMM-97/17 Consumption of krill by minke whales in ... ., Huyser, O. WG-EMM-97/21 Avoidance, a problem in sampling Antarctic krill at night Goss, C., Bone, D ...
Design of the Italian acoustic survey in the Ross Sea for the Austral summer 2003/04
-2004. The research consists of three core activities: (1) Acoustic sampling on krill (E. superba and E ... . crystallorophias) populations and concurrent censuses of their top predators for estimating krill distribution and ... abundance, and the effects of predators on altering them; (2) Net sampling for describing krill demography ... masses which influence krill ecological behaviour. All these activities will be undertaken synoptically ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/31 : Auteur(s): M. Azzali, A. Sala and S. Manoukian (Italy)
Acoustic visualization of the three-dimensional prey field of foraging chinstrap penguins
Antarctic krill, a keystone prey species in the Southern Ocean food web. It has been difficult to evaluate ... these concerns because of problems associated with determining the availability of krill to their ... natural predators. Here, we report a novel method for assessing prey availability to an important krill ... -dimensional distribution of krill within a 1852 X 1852 X 100 m volume of ocean. Our study revealed the ...
Meeting Document : WG-Joint-94/12 : Auteur(s): J.E. Zamon, C.H. Greene, E. Meir, D.A. Demer, R.P. Hewitt and S. Sexton (USA)
Antarctic krill in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6) in the 2005/06 season V. Siegel (Germany) WG-EMM-06/11 ... (New Zealand) WG-EMM-06/12 A spatial multi-species operating model (SMOM) of krill–predator ... progress on modelling the krill–predator dynamics of the Antarctic ecosystem M. Mori (Japan) and D.S ... krill maturity cycle: a conceptual description of the seasonal cycle in Antarctic krill S. Kawaguchi, T ...
Comparing two and three frequency dB window identification techniques for estimating Antarctic krill density ... Antarctic krill in CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during 2018/19 season by the Japanese survey vessel, Kaiyo-maru K ... krill survey for CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during 2018/19 season by the Japanese survey vessel, Kaiyo-maru ... values calculated by swarm-based and grid-based acoustic data processing methods for Antarctic krill ...
What’s the catch? Profiling the risks and costs associated with marine protected areas and displaced fishing in the Scotia Sea
evaluated two MPA scenarios and associated displacements of the Antarctic krill fishery in the Scotia Sea by ... quantifying their potential to affect risks of depleting krill-dependent predators and costs to the fishery ... of krill fishing and krill-dependent predators) and a dynamic risk assessment (based on a minimally ... displaced catches. We found that neither MPA scenario increased the risks of depleting krill predators when ...
Meeting Document : WS-SM-18/P03 : Auteur(s): E.S. Klein and G.M. Watters
-EMM-2019/03 Proposal for a krill biomass survey for krill monitoring and management in CCAMLR Division ... Reporting procedures for the continuous fishing method F. Grebstad WG-EMM-2019/07 Report from a krill ... WG-EMM-2019/09 Analysis of the Chilean operation in the Antarctic krill fishery, years 2017/18 P.M ... the krill fisheries in the Antarctic Peninsula L. Krüger, F. Santacruz, L. Rebolledo and C. Cárdenas ...
-14/02 Do krill fisheries compete with macaroni penguins? Spatial overlap in prey consumption and ... krill catches during winter N. Ratcliffe, S.L. Hill, I.J. Staniland, R. Brown, S. Adlard, C. Horswill ... . Hindell (Australia) WG-EMM-14/04 Practical options for developing feedback management for the krill ... -14/05 Advances in the use of airborne aerial survey techniques to estimate krill-eating penguin ...