Résultats de la recherche
Optimization of survey sampling design in the detection of interannual variability and prey size selectivity in the diet of penguins
penguins and krill to be used in the detection of inter-annual variability in the parameters concerned are ... each level in nested ANOV A designs. The optimal numbers of penguins and krill to be used in the ... chaque niveau des modeles ANOVA a emboitement. Le nombre optimal de manchots et d'individus de krill a ... krill que han de emplearse para la deteccion de la variabilidad interanual en los parametros ... dates, "penguins-within-dates" and "krill-within-penguins". These data do not allow detection of the ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 551–559 : Auteur(s): Marschoff, E. and B. Gonzalez
........................................................................................................................ 81 n. BIOLOOIA Y ADMINISTRACION DEL KRILL SITUACION ACTUAL DE LA POTENCIA DEL BLANCO DEL KRIL ... ................................................................................................. 127 REVISION DE LAS RELACIONES T ALLA-PESO DEL KRIL ANT ARTICO V. Siegel ... ............................................................................................................................ 145 BIOMASA DEL KRIL EN LAS AREAS 48 Y 58: NUEVOS CALCULOS DE LOS DATOS DE FIBEX P.N. Tratham, D.l ... ...................................................... 157 ABUNDANCIA, TAMANO Y MADUREZ DEL KRIL (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA) EN LA ZONA DE PESCA DE KRIL DE LA ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Scientific Abstracts 2004
, King George Island, was investigated by scat analysis from February to April 1996. Overall, krill and ... were krill-feeding species suggesting that seals foraged primarily on krill and opportunistically on ... fish species associated with krill swarms. A seasonal change observed in the relative proportions of ... majority of krill in chinstrap diets was in the 36–45 mm range; the majority of krill in gentoo diets was ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... meeting include: krill resources, fish resources, other resources, ecosystem monitoring and management ... of the Scientific Committee, including the Working Groups on Krill, on Fish Stock Assessment and for ... PARTICIPATION OF OBSERVERS KRILL RESOURCES Fishery Status and Trends Report of the Working Group on ... Krill Review of Fisheries Activities Information Necessary for the Management of Krill Resources application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-X
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-X
Chapter 4: Science
of more specific questions. In the case of krill: 2018 ICED workshop (SC-CAMLR-XXXVII, paragraphs 9.5 ... to 9.6) 2018 Scar Krill Action Group (SKAG) update and support for 2019 SKAG meeting (SC-CAMLR-XXXVII ... . Coordination with SKAG to continue engagement with WG-EMM on status and trends of krill stocks (SC-CAMLR-40 ... reference, in particular to address concerns of interaction between the krill fishery and seabirds, seals ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Scientific Abstracts 2000
, unpublished). This report contains data on krill catch and size composition, and also on the by-catch of ... data revealed some specific features of environmental conditions, krill population status and other ... recent years), low abundance of krill larvae and plenty of salps, whose abundance and biomass was 1.6 ... , unpublished). In Subarea 48.1, differences in krill size composition and biomass at fishing sites near ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Time series of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) from 1952 to 2006, Antarctica
and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba DANA) is important as variability in krill stocks ... krill recruitment and density in the Antarctic Peninsula area with an environmental factor; strength of ... Oscillation Index (DPOI). They found significant correlations between krill recruitment and DPOI. Additionally ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/13 : Auteur(s): M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
Short note: time series of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) from 1952 to 2003, Antarctica
and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba DANA) is important as variability in krill stocks ... krill recruitment and density in the Antarctic Peninsula area with an environmental factor; strength of ... krill recruitment and DPOI. Additionally, we calculated a new time series of DPOI from January 1952 to ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/46 : Auteur(s): M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
Preliminary results of RV Dmitriy Stefanov researches in the Antarctic area of the Atlantic Ocean in April 1992
krill biomass was estimated in the beginning and at the end of surveys. It amounted to 56.1 and 61.2 ... thous. t respectively. During the rest of the period the hydroacoustic assessment of krill aggregation ... of perimeter. The midwater trawl hauls were made periodically. The average estimates of krill ... were obtained. The balance of krill transport from and into the polygon was calculated. The first two ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-92/33 : Auteur(s): L.G. Maklygin, V.N. Shnar, A.V. Remeslo, A.P. Malyshko, I.A. Trunov, I.A. Barabanov, V.P. Shopov (Russian Federation) and A.G. Shepelev (Ukraine)
The feeding peculiarities of the Antarctic seals in the region of the archipelago of Argentina Islands
that krill (Euphausia superba) is the main type of food for the major species of seals in region. Krill ... archipelago water area in which diet krill prevails also (about 70 %). Considering that from 5 seals species ... can be used as «species indicators» of krill distribution and quantity in the given region. It is ... working out of the management project for future rational use of krill sea stocks and squids in the given ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/P01 : Auteur(s): I. Dykyy