Résultats de la recherche
Prey monitoring surveys: a discussion of the characteristics necessary in prey surveys
parameters is dependent on information being available on the availability of krill to the predators either ... . The remaining parameters require information on the availability of krill in an undefined region ... quasi-instanteous surveys of krill abundance. b. Survey Area During the chick and pup rearing ... is also. desirable to sample over the full depth range of krill. INTEGRATED STUDY AREAS a ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 377-391 : Auteur(s): Everson, I.
The food and feeding ecology of the white-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis at South Georgia
number of individuals) of regurgitated or lavaged adult stomach contents. Antarctic krill was the most ... important consumer of krill). In 1986 the notothenioid fish were probably obtained via commercial fishing ... was halved. These provisioning rates, and the proportion of krill in the diet, are higher than those ... krill at South Georgia in 1986. In many respects white-chinned petrels at South Georgia are intermediate ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-94/14 : Auteur(s): J.P. Croxall, A.J. Hall, H.J. Hill, A.W. North and P.G. Rodhouse (United Kingdom)
Composition and characteristics of ichthyofauna in pelagic waters of South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
distribution of krill and juvenile Champsocephalus gunnari were studied. The pelagic component of the ... fish taken by the sampling trawl in the water column was found to be krill. Aggregations of juvenile C ... . gunnari were observed only outside dense concentrations of Antarctic krill. File: 08frolkina-etal.pdf ... entre la distribucion de kril y de los juveniles de Champsocephalus gunrzarz. Los componentes pelagicos ... agua. El kril fue el aliment0 m8s importante (hasta un 60-80%) de la dieta de 10s peces juveniles y ... . gunnari alrededor de las concentraciones densas de kril antartico. Keywords: pelagic, ichthyofauna ... well as the comparative distribution of krill and juvenile Champsocephalus gunnari were studied. The ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 5 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 5) : 125–164 : Auteur(s): Frolkina, G.A., M.P. Konstantinova and I.A Trunov
Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 2006/07
diet samples contained juvenile krill. Fledgling success and fledgling weights were slightly below the ... penguins ate mainly Antarctic krill, with a strong component of juvenile krill in their diet samples ... . Juvenile krill were also plentiful in the chinstrap penguin’s diets in the 1997-98 and 2002-03 seasons. The ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/P1 : Auteur(s): R. Orben, S. Chisholm, A. Miller and W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA)
Long-term observations from Antarctica demonstrate that mismatched scales of fisheries management and predator–prey interaction lead to erroneous conclusions about precaution
are as precautionary as presumed. Antarctic krill are targeted by the largest fishery in the Southern ... Ocean and are key forage for numerous predators. Current krill removals are considered precautionary and ... have not been previously observed to affect krill-dependent predators, like penguins. Using a ... local harvest rates of krill were ≥ 0.1, and this effect was similar in magnitude to that of poor ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/11 : Auteur(s): G.M. Watters, J.T. Hinke and C.S. Reiss
sonar data from krill fishing vessels G. Skaret (Norway) and M.J. Cox (Australia) SG-ASAM-14/02 Rev. 1 ... inspection and processing of acoustic data from krill fishing vessels G. Skaret and R.J. Korneliussen (Norway ... ) SG-ASAM-14/03 Rev. 1 Report of acoustic survey of Antarctic krill using FV FUKUEI-MARU K. Abe, Y ...
On interim distribution of the trigger level in the fishery for Euphausia superba in statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4
Abstract: Taking into account the practice and current state of krill fishery in Area 48, Ukraine ... to produce food for human "direct" consumption from krill. This revision will still enable ... inflict an economic damage to the krill fishery. Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: On interim ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/BG/35 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Ukraine
An index of per capita recruitment
series of PCR for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) sampled in the vicinity of the South Shetland ... PCR para el kril antartico (Euphausia superba) muestreado en 10s alrededores de las islas Georgias ... : Distribuciones de la densidad de tallas del kril muestreadas entre 1990 y 1999. Se detectan por primera vez ... entre PCR y R1 (b) para el kril antartico muestreado e n 10s alrededores de las islas Shetland del Sur. ... for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) sampled in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands from ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 7 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 7) : 179–196 : Auteur(s): Hewitt, R
Scientific Abstracts 2003
used with other shag species in Antarctica. WG-EMM-03/6 An 8-year cycle in krill biomass density ... using updated procedures for delineating volume backscattering due to Antarctic krill, ad- justing for ... signal contamination due to noise, and compensating for diel vertical migration of krill outside of the ... acoustic observation window. Intra-and inter-sea- sonal variations in krill biomass density and ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... 28 October 1994. Major topics discussed at this meeting include: krill, fish, crab and squid ... Krill, on Fish Stock Assessment, for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program and on Incidental ... ORGANISATION CRAB RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADVICE SQUID RESOURCES RESEARCH KRILL RESOURCES ... ESTIMATION OF KRILL YIELD KRILL YIELD CALCULATIONS CRITERIA FOR SELECTING APPROPRIATE VALUE OF g YIELD application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-XIII
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-XIII