Résultats de la recherche
... exploratory and krill fisheries ....................................... 138 Tagging protocol ... measures................................................................ 148 Krill measure ... exploratory and krill fisheries 2.11 The Committee considered notifications for krill and exploratory ... Committee noted the Secretariat’s report on the completeness of krill and exploratory notifications which application/pdf attached to:SCIC-09
Meeting Report : SCIC-09
of krill in Division 58.4.2 and an estimation of precautionary yield, including a subdivision of the ... objects of southern minke whales Delegation of Ukraine SC-CAMLR-XXVI/BG/26 New page in the Antarctic krill ...
... ........................................................................... 12 Krill resources ........................................................................... 12 ... ), the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies (ARK), the Antarctic and Southern Ocean ... strikes posed by net monitoring cables used on krill vessels with continuous trawl fishing systems, the ... krill for 2019/20, and that there had been no recommendation to change the fishery notifications (SCIC application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-38
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-38
Development of the Southern Ocean Continuous Plankton Recorder survey
patterns, as well as the annual abundance and distribution of krill larvae. The survey covers a large area ...
Meeting Document : WS-BSO-07/P4 : Auteur(s): Hosie, G., M. Fukuchi and S. Kawaguchi
An index of per capita recruitment
introduced, although errors were larger. A time series of PCR for Antarctic krill sampled in the vicinity of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/50 : Auteur(s): R. Hewitt (USA)
Volume 10: CCAMLR. 1998. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 10 (1988–1997). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
-m Euftlusidos Krill antarclique AHTapKTHllecKHU KpHllb Kril anu1rtico Bocasse triangulaire ... include catches of krill taken outside the Convention Area in Division 41.3.2 (Southern Patagonia ... -scale data for krill, however, has been required from Subarea 48.2 since 1985/86, from the Integrated ... que certains tableaux incluent des captures de krill effectuees en dehors de la zone de la Convention ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Is the attempt to estimate the biomass of Antarctic fish from a multi-species survey appropriate for all targeted species? Notothenia rossii in the Atlantic Ocean sector – revisited
aggregations of krill, the staple food of N. rossii at Elephant Island (Freytag, 1980), were regularly ... –Siegel and M. Thomasson. 2002. Demography of krill in the Elephant Island area during summer 2001 and ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 141–153 : Auteur(s): Kock, K.-H., M. Belchier and C.D. Jones
(BirdLife International) WG-FSA-06/2 List of participants WG-FSA-06/20 Saga Sea krill harvesting and ... continuous krill fishing technology on juvenile fish and larvae S.M. Kasatkina WG-FSA-06/24 Mercury ... Subarea 48.4 A. Payne and D.J. Agnew (United Kingdom) WG-FSA-06/57 Analysis of krill catch data from ...
-11/05 Finfish by-catch in the krill fishery for the 2010 and 2011 seasons Secretariat WG-FSA-11/06 ... fishing season Secretariat WG-FSA-11/11 Cetacean observation during krill fishing cruise (48.1, 48.2 ... . Gasco (France) WG-FSA-11/41 By-catch observation during krill fishing cruise (48.1, 48.2 Statistical ...
... be reviewed in 1990. Such a review was to examine, in particular, the finfish/krill coefficient in ... the light of additional scientific evidence regarding the relative yield of finfish and krill. From ... change in the finfish/krill coefficient. Since the introduction of the formula in 1987 no Member has application/pdf attached to:SCAF-90
Meeting Report : SCAF-90