Résultats de la recherche
Some specific features of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities of applying fishery statistics to studies of krill biology and stocks
Paper Title: Some specific features of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities of applying ... fishery statistics to studies of krill biology and stocks Abstract / Description: General principles of ... the USSR krill fishery such as the location of exploited fishing areas and the seasonal regime of ... krill fishery, it is shown that the catch-per-haul variables are associated with the fishing regime of ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 237–252 : Auteur(s): Dolzhenkov, V.N., T.G. Lubimova, R.R. Makarov, S.S. Parfenovich and V.A. Spiridonov
CPUE, net towing depth and body length of krill during the winter operation of Japanese krill fishery around South Georgia
Abstract: Monthly CPUEs during winter operation of Japanese krill trawlers around South Georgia ... were calculated. The range of CPUE values in 1991 season (poor year of krill) was comparable to the ... from net towing depth. Net tow depth data implied that overall krill distribution in the the winter ... suggeted. Length frequency distribution implied the evidence of strong krill influx from the Antarctic ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/51 : Auteur(s): Kawaguchi, S., Ichii, T., Naganobu, M.
Implementation and preliminary results from the synoptic krill survey in Area 48, 2019 conducted by the Chinese krill fishing vessel Fu Rong Hai
Abstract: As a contribution to the joint effort on the large-scale synoptic krill survey of Area ... 48, the Chinese krill fishing vessel Fu Rong Hai conducted the survey in the Subarea 48.1 from 2 ... for krill biology using a commercial midwater otter trawl. Acoustic data processing were carried out ... generally following the procedures applied in the CCAMLR 2000 survey analyses, and estimates of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/43 : Auteur(s): X. Wang, X. Zhao, B. Zou, G. Fan, X. Yu, J. Zhu, J. Zhang and Y. Ying
Can the length composition of krill in predator diets provide information on the age-dependence of krill natural mortality?
of krill is split between predator species. This method uses data on the length distribution of krill ... from predator stomachs. The proportions estimated depend, through the krill yield model, on the ... schedule of krill natural mortality at age. In principle, such a method would allow inferences about this ... ., Butterworth, D.S. Title: Can the length composition of krill in predator diets provide information on the age ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/40 : Auteur(s): Thomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S.
Proposal for an acoustic krill biomass survey in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1 in relation to the hydrological environment and in conjunction with carbon cycling and temperature adaptation experiments of krill and salps
Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), we will conduct an acoustic krill (Euphausia superba) biomass survey in ... ) investigating the role of krill and salps in Southern Ocean carbon cycling and the temperature adaptation ... of the krill habitat. The overall objective of the German contribution is to provide an overarching ... assessment of the effect of climate change on krill and associated ecosystem-processes. The aim of this ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/39 : Auteur(s): B. Meyer, L. Suberg, S. Fielding, O.R. Godø and C. Reiss
Report from the annual survey of Antarctic krill and apex predators distribution at South Orkney Islands in 2014, and assessing escape mortality of krill in trawls
conducted around the South Orkney Islands, using a commercial krill fishing vessel as research platform. The ... Antarctic krill as well as the occurrence and distribution of krill predators. Author(s): B.A. Krafft ... annual survey of Antarctic krill and apex predators distribution at South Orkney Islands in 2014, and ... assessing escape mortality of krill in trawls Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/16 : Auteur(s): B.A. Krafft (Norway), L.A. Krag (Denmark), T.A. Klevjer, G. Skaret and R. Pedersen (Norway)
-structured harvest strategies for krill, has been implemented within the EPOC modelling framework. It also ... includes the methods used for implementing environmental variability, the krill population, generic ... predators, the krill fishery and the system for setting catch limits. The process of implementing FOOSA in ... different dynamics that may be present in the krill-predator-fishery system in Area 48. Some of these ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-08/15 : Auteur(s): A. Constable (Australia)
Green krill, the indicator of micro- and nano-size phytoplankton availability to krill
-, nano-, and micro-size fractions) during commercial krill operations in the waters north of the South ... Shetland Islands from late December, 1991 to mid-February, 1992. The proportion of green krill had ... the importance of micro- and nano-size phytoplanktons in terms of food source for the Antarctic krill ... krill, the indicator of micro- and nano-size phytoplankton availability to krill Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/29 : Auteur(s): S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Results of scientific observation in Antarctic krill fishery in 2010/11: II. analysis of variability of krill size and fish by-catch
Abstract: We examined spatio-temporal variability of krill body length and number of bycatch fish ... krill length and number of bycatch fish were analyzed by using a hierarchical Bayesian model composed of ... krill length model, some parameters did not converge well in the bycatch fish model. The interaction ... between month and sub-areahas large effects on krill length. Krill length varies among cruises, but there ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/67 : Auteur(s): T. Okuda and M. Kiyota (Japan)
Intra-annual variability in the abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at South Georgia, 2002–2005: within-year variation provides a new framework for interpreting previous ‘annual’ krill density estimates
abundance of Antarctic krill continuously between 14 October 2002 and 29 December 2005. A distinct seasonal ... pattern in krill abundance was detected that recurred consistently over all 3 years. Krill densities in ... explained 71% of the observed week-week variation. Mooring estimates of krill abundance were not ... statistically different (P>0.05) from estimates derived from standard ship-based krill surveys in adjacent ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/25 : Auteur(s): R.A. Saunders, J.L. Watkins, K. Reid, E.J. Murphy, P. Enderlein, D.G. Bone and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)