Résultats de la recherche
Discussion on recent results from an integrated assessment of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in Subarea 48.1
-assessment framework for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to assimilate multiple sources of survey data ... and estimate krill growth. Kinzey et al. (2014) fitted stock-assessment models to survey data that ... from three of the models provide a robust picture of changes in the krill population. An annual model ... -annual variations in cohort strength have dominated krill dynamics in Subarea 48.1. Long-term trends ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/35 : Auteur(s): G.M. Watters, C.S. Reiss and D. Kinzey (USA)
Classification of Southern Ocean krill and icefish echoes using Random Forests
. Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, are typically identified through a combination of expert scrutiny of ... two or more echosounder frequencies. For commonly used frequencies, however, the differences for krill ... pelagic aggregations, which can be difficult to distinguish acoustically from large krill layers. Mackerel ... during surveys. The final random forest classified krill, icefish, and mixed aggregations of weak ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/23 : Auteur(s): N. Fallon, S. Fielding and P. Fernandes
Habitat partitioning in Antarctic krill: spawning hotspots and nursery areas
Abstract: Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, have a circumpolar distribution but are ... ontogenetic life stages of krill (eggs, nauplii plus metanauplii, calyptopes, furcilia, juveniles, and adults ... krill densities can be high. To address these questions, we compiled larval krill density records and ... temperature suggest that krill associate with different habitats over the course of their life cycle. From the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/20 : Auteur(s): F. Perry, A. Atkinson, S.F. Sailley, G.A. Tarling, S.L. Hill, C.H. Lucas and D.J. Mayor
Demography of Antarctic krill in the Elephant Island area (Antarctic Peninsula) during austral summer 2001
Abstract: A net sampling survey was carried out for krill in an established standard station grid ... small size classes, one year old juvenile krill was found. Krill density was significantly higher than ... during the past years (between 198 and 230 krill 1000 m-3, i.e. between 40 and 46 m-2 or 11.3 g m-2). The ... high krill abundance and the high recruitment index reflect the end of a succession of years with poor ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/10 : Auteur(s): V. Siegel (Germany), B. Bergström (Sweden), U. Mühlenhardt-Siegel (Germany) and M. Thomasson (Sweden)
Distribution and size of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Polish commercial catches in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica in 1997–1999
Abstract: The distribution, density and length composition of krill in commercial concentrations ... krill concentration. The internal structure of the concentration was very diverse and the mean density ... varied from 11 to 31,370 specimens * m-3. At night, the krill concentrations were scattered throughout ... found in deeper waters. The size structure of the krill was diverse during all periods and in all areas ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/13 : Auteur(s): E. Jackowski (Poland)
Proposals for study of spatial-temporal dynamics of krill distribution for management applications
providing sufficient information with the aim of quantitative understanding regularities and trends of krill ... for krill stock in the Area 48. Proposals concerning scientific activity needed for resolving issues ... krill stocks management. Author(s): Delegation of Russia Title: Proposals for study of spatial ... -temporal dynamics of krill distribution for management applications Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXX/BG/09 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Russia
South Orkney Island 2016 Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring
, krill demography and other macro zooplankton from trawl station work, krill predator sightings data as ... well as krill-experimental work carried out on onboard. Author(s): B.A. Krafft, G. Skaret, L.A. Krag ... , T. Rustand and R. Pedersen Title: South Orkney Island 2016 Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/P03 : Auteur(s): B.A. Krafft, G. Skaret, L.A. Krag, T. Rustand and R. Pedersen
Diel vertical distribution of Antarctic krill around the South Shetland Islands in February 2019 and its potential effect on biomass estimation
Abstract: To address the potential effect of DVM behavior on krill biomass estimates, diel ... vertical distribution of krill swarms around the South Shetland Islands in Subarea 48.1 were analyzed based ... survey. Results show that more krill swarms were found in shallower depth at night than during daytime ... likely underestimate the krill density due to the shallow distribution pattern of the animal, which may ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-2019/05 : Auteur(s): X. Wang, X. Yu, J. Zhang and X. Zhao
Abstract: We made a survey plan to observe krill escapement, attached an underwater video camera ... krill passage through the rope and netting parts of the trawl net. Preliminary examination of video ... images obtained via satellite-linked transmission indicated very low incidence of krill escapement from ... AND RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF ANTARCTIC KRILL ESCAPEMENT FROM A ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/36 : Auteur(s): K. Fujita and S. Hasegawa (Japan)
Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Abstract: A simple generalised conceptual life history model for Antarctic krill is developed ... relationships between Antarctic krill and its biotic and abiotic environment. Krill life history is thus viewed ... ecosystem: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/50 : Auteur(s): S. Nicol and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)