Otolith chemical analysis is one of important and useful approaches to reveal the stock structure and connectivity of Dissostichus mawsoni in the Southern Ocean. Recalling the suggestion from WG-FSA 2018 about the international collaboration on otolith microchemistry of D. mawsoi, this progress report summarized the update of this work. The result indicated that the heterogeneity in stock structure of D. mawsoni occurs between Subareas 88.1 and 48.6. Samples from Subareas 48.4, 48.5, Subarea 88.3, Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3, and SPRFMO area are encouraged to be collected and included into this collaborative project.
Fourier shape analysis was used to study the morphology of sagittal otoliths of 383 Dissostichus mawsoni from 3 Subareas using two statistical methods. Stepwise discriminant analysis showed a classification accuracy of 73.19%. Principal component analysis revealed the accumulated contribution rate of 29 principal components was 72.45%. These findings demonstrate that Fourier analysis of otolith morphology cannot distinguish the stock populations of D. mawsoni between Subareas 48.1, 48.6 and 88.1.
Climate change, fisheries and invasive species represent three pervasive threats to seabirds, globally. Understanding the relative influence and compounding nature of marine and terrestrial threats on the demography of seabird communities is vital for evidence-based conservation.
Using 20 years of capture-mark-recapture data from four sympatric species of albatross (black-browed Thalassarche melanophris, grey-headed T. chrystostoma, light-mantled Phoebetria palpebrata and wandering Diomedea exulans) at subantarctic Macquarie Island, we quantified the temporal variability in survival, breeding probability and success. In three species (excluding the wandering albatross because of the small population), we also assessed the influence of fisheries, oceanographic and terrestrial change on these rates.
The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) explained 22.9-40.9% and 22.2-33.4% of the temporal variability in survival and breeding success respectively. Relationships were positive in all cases except between SAM and the breeding success of light-mantled albatrosses. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Index explained 24.9-43.1% of the variability in survival, with higher survival rates following La Niña events.
Habitat degradation caused by high density of rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus explained 20.0-75.6% of the temporal variability in breeding probability, which declined in all three species. For black-browed albatrosses, effort in New Zealand trawl and south-west Atlantic longline fisheries had, respectively, positive and negative relationships with survival, and explained 21.2% and 22.3-31.6% of the variability.
Fisheries are human activities that alter resource availability for species in marine ecosystems. While fisheries remove fish biomass, they may also provide new feeding opportunities to various marine predators. These species, depredating on catches directly on the fishing gear, has emerged as major human-wildlife conflict with socio-economic and ecological impacts globally. This study investigated the extent of this conflict in multiple commercial Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fisheries across subantarctic waters where both killer whales (Orcinus orca) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) feed on toothfish caught on longline hooks. Using long-term datasets from Chile (South Pacific Ocean), the South West Atlantic, Prince Edward and Marion Islands, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, and Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean) fisheries, statistical models were developed to predict and quantify the catch removals due to whale depredation interactions. The results indicated that these removals were large, totalling more than 6,600 t of toothfish between 2009 and 2016 with an overall annual mean of 837 t [95% CI 480-1,195 t], comprised of 317 t [232-403t ] and 518 t [247-790 t] removed by killer whales and sperm whales, respectively. Catch removals greatly varied between areas, with the largest estimates found at Crozet Islands, where on average 279 t [179-379 t] of toothfish was taken per year by killer and sperm whales between 2004 and 2018, equivalent to 30% [21-37%] of the total catches. Together, these findings provide metrics needed to assess the impacts of depredation interactions on the toothfish fishing industry, whale populations, fish stocks and associated ecosystems. Paired with increasing trends in depredation levels being detected in some areas, this study highlights the large scale significance of the depredation issue in subantarctic regions, where fisheries are the primary socio-economic activity operating in these ecosystems.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
This paper provides an update on the development of safety measures for non-SOLAS vessels, including fishing vessels, by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and refers to initiatives aimed at the implementation of the IMO’s Polar Code. It also elaborates on the development of an action plan to address marine plastic pollution from shipping by the IMO. ASOC calls on CCAMLR and its Members to contribute to expanded cooperation between the IMO and the Antarctic Treaty System in areas of relevance to fishing vessels including by:
Engaging fully in the negotiations at the IMO to ensure that any recommendatory or mandatory provisions adopted for non-SOLAS vessels are “fit for purpose” in the Antarctic Area (south of 60°S).
Designating a CCAMLR observer to the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee and relevant technical sub-committees to facilitate CCAMLR’s engagement in developing guidelines and mandatory measures for fishing vessels operating in polar waters.
Supporting urgent and effective action through the IMO to address the threat from ship-sourced marine plastics.
Assisting in the collection and analysis of data to inform management and mitigation of vessel impacts on marine mammals including avoidance planning by ships operating in Antarctic waters.
Further CCAMLR should:
Note the operationalization of the Arctic Council’s Arctic Shipping Best Practice Information Forum and agree to collaborate meaningfully in the exchange of best practice.
The CCAMLR Member States were informed by the circular letter of CCAMLR No COMM CIRC 17/100 that the fishing vessel "Sunstar" (flying the flag of the Republic of Korea) picked up the unidentified fishing gear at CCAMLR Fishing Area 88.1С on November 23, 2017 which was set before starting of fishing period 2017/2018. The State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine informs about activities of Ukrainian fishing vessels, which were licensed to do harvesting operations of the toothfish species in the CCAMLR fishing areas (88.1, 88.2) during the 2017/2018 fishing period.