We propose to implement a random, depth-stratified vertical longline survey conducted through the annual sea ice in McMurdo Sound to monitor the age composition, diet, maturity, and local abundance of Antarctic toothfish. A pilot season was carried out in 2014, where sampling gear and methodology for a standardised hook and line survey were trialled in McMurdo Sound. Data collected will be integrated with ongoing collaborative research programmes to determine the importance of toothfish to mammalian predators in the area. Age composition, physiology, and diet objectives can be met with the current design. However, power analysis based on historical catch data suggests that the sample size (number of stations sampled per season) needed to detect a moderate change in the abundance index is likely to be higher than feasible at this stage. Therefore, techniques and additional infrastructure will be developed and tested to obtain the sample size and experimental design necessary to index abundance in the future.
A dramatic reduction in catch rates of Antarctic toothfish in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, has led to conclusions that the commercial bottom longline fishery for toothfish in the Ross Sea has drastically altered the toothfish population with cascading effects on the McMurdo Sound ecosystem. However, results from a new monitoring programme for Antarctic toothfish and other top predators carried out in McMurdo Sound in 2014 have shown toothfish catch rate, fish size and fish age similar to those observed prior to 2002. These results suggest that either large and old fish have returned to McMurdo Sound following a temporary environmentally driven absence or that they remained locally present but were not detected in the areas sampled. These findings highlight the importance of continued standardized monitoring for detecting the potential effects of fishing on the Ross Sea ecosystem.
The first year of a two-year and multi-member research survey using standardised longline gear to sample toothfish populations was carried out in the northern areas (60°‑ 66° S) of SSRUs 88.2A–B. The sampling strategy and data collection adhered to standards set in CM 41-10 (2014). A total of 109.1 t of Antarctic toothfish and two Patagonian toothfish (0.029 t) were caught. Toothfish catch rates, size, sex ratio, and reproductive maturity status were similar to existing data from SSRU 88.1C. Age composition of the catch as predicted by the spatial population model was similar to that observed in the survey. The gonadosomatic index showed a decreasing trend from west to east across the research blocks. The percentage of fish with empty stomachs was high, but prey diversity and quantities of prey items were similar to those reported from the northern Ross Sea. Bathymetry data were collected during the survey and during transit across research blocks and have been provided to the CCAMLR Secretariat. We recommend continuing the survey with minor modifications to aid in the achievement of the objectives including specification of data collection requirements, bathymetric survey requirements, research block-specific catch limits to ensure a greater spread of effort, and a higher level of scientific oversight of survey operations to ensure optimal scientific design and data collection.
A proposal for a Joint SC-CCAMLR IWC Workshop to develop multi-species models of the Antarctic marine ecosystem was proposed at the SC-CCAMLR 2014, and a steering group for the Workshop was formed.
WG-EMM 2015 agreed on the benefit of dividing the workshop into two; the first to review data availability, and the second as a comprehensive discussion of approaches in relation to modelling and monitoring. The steering group was tasked to develop a draft terms of reference for the workshops to be tabled to the meetings SC-CAMLR 2015 and SC-IWC 2015 for both committees to consider.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Paper CAMLR-XXXIV/29 proposes an MPA for the Ross Sea region that includes a Special Research Zone (SRZ) along with three other General Protection Areas. This paper presents an analysis of sea ice within and surrounding the boundaries of the proposed SRZ over the past 16 years, the impact it has had on the fishery in the area during that time, and potential influences sea ice might impose on achieving the objectives of the proposed SRZ in the future. Based on historic satellite-derived sea ice coverage data, the upper shelf and slope areas within the SRZ (fishable depths) were accessible to fishing in about half of the fishing seasons. Over the past 16 seasons, the SRZ was accessible to fishing in January in 8 seasons, open later (mostly after the fishery closed) and never completely cleared in 4 seasons, and remained severely constrained by sea ice in the remaining 4 seasons. However, some catch was still removed from the area in constraining ice years (2010 and 2013). The main influence of sea ice on achieving the proposed objectives of the SRZ pertains to the deployment and subsequent recovery of tagged fish to examine movements and estimate exploitation rate within the SRZ.
This paper provides an early announcement of the Third International Symposium on Krill that will be held from the 12-16 June 2017 at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
MPAs are an important tool for biodiversity conservation with benefits for fisheries management. Since MPA planning commenced, CCAMLR has identified the Ross Sea as a key region in a representative system of Southern Ocean MPAs due to its scientific and biological value. The original joint US-NZ MPA proposed in 2012 was designed to meet an array of ecological and scientific objectives while also allowing for an economically viable toothfish fishery in the Ross Sea. Since 2012, Ross Sea region MPA proponents have continued to negotiate with all CCAMLR Members, taking into account their concerns, which are reflected in the current proposal. Through this document, ASOC highlights the revisions made to the current Ross Sea region MPA proposal, emphasizing that any further concessions will seriously undermine the ability of the MPA to meet its objectives. We also comment on the opportunities for research fishing throughout the Ross Sea, including in currently closed SSRUs and potentially in the Ross Sea region MPA. We further emphasize that a long duration for the MPA is of critical importance. ASOC encourages CCAMLR Members to adopt the Ross Sea region MPA proposal in its current 2015 revision.
This paper has also been submitted by ASOC in Chinese.
ASOC originally compiled this compendium to assist discussions at the recent 2nd CCAMLR Symposium. We note that at last year’s meeting CCAMLR agreed to maintain MPA papers in one place on the web site for ongoing reference. ASOC recommends that CCAMLR also place key reference documents and papers on topics of importance relevant to CCAMLR’s broader work such as those included in this compendium in one place on the CCAMLR website for ongoing use and easy reference. This will assist in the maintenance of a readily accessible record of CCAMLR’s history, progress and discussions across the fuller range of its work and ensure that earlier discussions are always available.
ASOC hopes that this compendium may be a useful contribution to such a compilation and a useful resource for CCAMLR delegates at the current and future CCAMLR meetings, supporting valuable discussions to help CCAMLR meet its objectives and continue its leading role in the conservation of marine living resources through the application of the precautionary and ecosystem approaches.
This paper presents a document written by Dr. Robert (Bob) Hofman and submitted to the 2015 CCAMLR Symposium in Santiago, Chile. Dr. Hofman was a member of the United States delegation during the negotiation of the CAMLR Convention. ASOC has provided some additional background for CCAMLR’s consideration. As a participant in the Convention negotiations, Dr. Hofman has an in-depth understanding of the reasoning behind Article II and other aspects of the Convention. Dr. Hofman notes that that Convention explicitly requires that any harvesting activities only take place if the conditions specified in Article II, paragraph 3 of the Convention are met. Further, the language of Article IX(2)(g) makes clear that area protection is one of the measures that may be used to implement the ecosystem conservation approach. Consequently, the need to “balance” the ecosystem approach and area protection with the management of CCAMLR fisheries did not - and does not - arise. They are in fact integral parts of that management. ASOC emphasizes that to resolve the uncertainties about whether fisheries are being managed in accordance with Article II, CCAMLR should assess how MPAs or other measures could be used as reference areas. This would support a more effective implementation of Article II(3).
This paper has also been submitted by ASOC in Chinese.