The Statistical Bulletin is published annually by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and is available in hardcopy and database format. In this volume, the hardcopy version summarises data submitted over the most recent 10-year period (2001 to 2010), while the database version summarises data submitted over the complete time series.
This volume of the Statistical Bulletin summarises:
- Catch and effort data from fisheries in the CCAMLR Convention Area;
- Landing and trade data reported under the Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS) for Dissostichus spp.;
- Seabed areas used in fishery assessments conducted by CCAMLR’s Scientific Committee and working groups.
Some of the statistics presented in this volume of the Statistical Bulletin may have been adjusted since previous volumes. Where this is the case, the values given in the present volume should be considered to be more accurate.