CCAMLR implements measures to support the conservation and management of Antarctic living marine resources by reducing the risk harvesting activities may have on the sustainability of target species, on species taken incidentally as by-catch and on the marine ecosystem. CCAMLR seeks to achieve optimal levels of compliance with conservation measures and has been pioneering in its endeavors to achieve this. CCAMLR has adopted a conservation measure to support the implementation of a Compliance Evaluation Procedure (Мера по сохранению 10-10) for all Members.
CCAMLR conservation measures support a suite of monitoring and compliance systems and tools. Members implement compliance systems that include:
- vessel licensing (Мера по сохранению 10-02)
- monitoring of vessel movements (Мера по сохранению 10-04)
- monitoring of vessel transhipments (Мера по сохранению 10-09)
- the System of Inspection
- the Vessel Monitoring System (Мера по сохранению 10-04)
- the Catch Documentation Scheme (Мера по сохранению 10-05)
Concerned that Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing compromises the objectives of the CAMLR Convention, CCAMLR has adopted additional conservation measures to specifically address the threat of IUU fishing. These conservation measures include the establishment of the 2024/25 Non-Contracting Party IUU Vessel List (Мера по сохранению 10-07) and the 2024/25 Contracting Party IUU Vessel List (Мера по сохранению 10-06) and obligations in respect of the control of nationals from CCAMLR Member countries (Мера по сохранению 10-08).
The Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) is a subsidiary body to the Commission and meets annually to review the operation of conservation measures and compliance systems and to advise the Commission on their refinement and implementation.