This volume contains a selection of the scientific papers presented at meetings of the Scientific Committee and Working Groups of the Scientific Committee in 1989. Abstracts of the papers and captions of tables and figures are translated into the official languages of the Commission (English, French, Russian and Spanish).
This volume consists of four sections:
I. Antarctic Fish
II. Antarctic Krill
III. Ecosystem Monitoring
Individual papers are available for download below, the complete volume of SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (14.89 МБ) is available as a pdf file.
Journal Papers
Hydrological conditions and characteristics of icefish (Channichthyidae) distribution on the South Georgia shelf in 1986/87
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1989/90 stock status and TAC assessment for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia)
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On assessment of Bertalanffy growth equation parameters and instantaneous natural mortality rate of South Georgia mackerel icefish
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Methods of age determination for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg 1905) from the South Georgia Island shelf
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Reproduction of the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and its implications for fisheries management in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
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Effects of different harvesting strategies on the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari around South Georgia
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1989/1990 stock status and TAC assessment for Patagonotothen brevicauda guntheri in South Georgia subarea (48.3)
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Growth and natural mortality of Patagonian rockcod (Patagonotothen guntheri shagensis) from Shag Rocks shelf
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Growth and age/length structure of populations of Notothenia (Lepidonotothen) squamifrons (Nototheniidae) in various areas of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
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Natural mortality of grey rockcod (Notothenia squamifrons) in various areas of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
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Evaluation of the results of trawl selectivity experiments by Poland, Spain and USSR in 1978/79, 1981/82 and 1986/87
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Results of the CCAMLR Antarctic fish otoliths/scales/bones exchange system
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Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet, II: Estimating the number of concentrations and analytical justification for search data
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CPUEs, body length and greenness of Antarctic krill during 1987/88 season in the fishing ground north of Livingston Island
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Size and density of krill layers fished by a Japanese trawler in the waters north of Livingston Island in January 1988
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Brief comments on the simulation study made by Professor Butterworth on krill fishing by an individual Japanese trawler
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Use of indices of predator status and performance in CCAMLR fishery management
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The use of analysis of penguin stomach contents in simultaneous study of prey and predator parameters
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On the power to detect changes using the standard methods for monitoring parameters of predatory species
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