This is a companion paper to Kinzey et al. (2014), who extended the integrated stock-assessment framework for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to assimilate multiple sources of survey data and estimate krill growth. Kinzey et al. (2014) fitted stock-assessment models to survey data that were pooled at annual, seasonal, and monthly time scales. The data were from research cruises conducted by Germany (RMT8 net samples from 1981 to 1989), the U.S. AMLR Program (IKMT net samples from 1992 to 2013 and acoustic biomass estimates from 1996 to 2011) and Peru (IKMT samples from 2014). Results from three of the models provide a robust picture of changes in the krill population. An annual model fitted to IKMT data collected during the austral summer and another annual model fitted to data from all surveys estimated similar absolute biomasses and changes in biomass. A seasonal model estimated similar changes in biomass but lower absolute biomasses than the two annual models. A monthly model estimated different changes in biomass but predicted absolute biomasses that were similar to those from the seasonal model. All four models fitted the observed data reasonably well, but the monthly model failed basic simulation testing. Together, results from the two annual models and the seasonal model suggest that inter-annual variations in cohort strength have dominated krill dynamics in Subarea 48.1. Long-term trends (either decreasing or increasing) in krill biomass have not been apparent over the past 30+ years. Differences in scaling of biomass estimates between the annual models and the more highly resolved models suggest substantial uncertainty in absolute abundance. Management strategies that are based on absolute estimates of biomass (rather than relative estimates of biomass) may therefore be biased, possibly leading to harvests that are inconsistent with the objectives of the Convention. We propose that WG-EMM consider how the integrated assessment framework can be used to provide management advice for the krill fishery.
In accordance with CM 21-03, Annex 21-03 A, attached are the net diagrams and mammal exclusion device diagrams referred to in the krill fishery notifications for 2014/15 submitted for the three Norwegian vessels (Juvel, Saga Sea and Antarctic Sea).
Records of 14 trematode species, collected from bottom fishes from the western and northern parts of the Ross Sea, are given. Trematodes Otodistomum cestoides van Beneden, 1871, Lecithaster micropsi Zdzitowiecki, 1992, Neolepidapedon trematomi Prudhoe et Bray, 1973, Postlepidapedon opisthobifurcatum Zdzitowiecki, 1990, Discoverytrema gibsoni Zdzitowiecki, 1990, D. markowskii Gibson, 1976, Macvicaria muraenolepidis Zdzitowiecki, 1990, Helicometra rakusai Zdzitowiecki, 1997 and Proctophantastes sp. are recorded from the Ross Sea for the first time. Proctophantastes sp. differs from other species of Proctophantastes Odhner, 1911 by the morphology of the ventral equatorial ridge of the ventral sucker.
The South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area was established by CCAMLR in 2009 (CCAMLR-XXVIII paragraph 7.1; CM 91-03) with the objective of contributing towards the conservation of biodiversity in Subarea 48.2, and to the development of a representative system of protected areas across the Convention Area. At the time of its adoption, the Commission agreed to review CM 91-03, based on advice from the Scientific Committee, at its regular meeting in 2014 and at subsequent five-year periods (CM 91-03, paragraph 9). Based on assessments described in the draft MPA Report and draft MPA Research and Monitoring Plan submitted to this Working Group (WG-EMM-14/xx and WG-EMM-14/xx), we suggest that the grounds for protection of the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf as described in CM 91-03 remain the same as at the time of its designation. We therefore suggest that there is no requirement for new management or administrative measures at this time, or for any changes to the existing measures specified in CM 91-03.
The South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area (SOISS MPA) was established by CCAMLR in 2009 (CCAMLR-XXVIII paragraph 7.1; CM 91-03), with the objective of contributing towards the conservation of biodiversity in Subarea 48.2, and to the development of a representative system of protected areas across the Convention Area. In 2013, a preliminary draft MPA Report was developed for the SOISS MPA (WG-EMM-13/10), based on the report structure proposed in WG-EMM-12/49. The Working Group recommended that WG-EMM-13/10 should be revised to form three separate documents (WG-EMM-13 paragraph 3.22):
i) Management Plan
ii) Research and Monitoring Plan
iii) MPA Report
This draft MPA Report contains: a description of the region (including evidence used to designate the MPA); details of regional and specific MPA objectives; results of research and monitoring undertaken since designation of the MPA; requirements for new research and monitoring; a summary of activities undertaken within the MPA; an assessment of the achievement of MPA objectives, and an assessment of the impact of activities on the MPA, including analysis of current and potential threats.
It has been agreed that WG-EMM would be the appropriate working group with primary responsibility with respect to reviewing and updating the content of MPA reports (SC-CAMLR-XXXI paragraph 5.34). We have therefore developed this draft MPA Report for consideration by the Working Group, and would welcome discussion and feedback on its structure and content.
This draft Research and Monitoring Plan identifies a number of scientific research and monitoring activities that will help inform and support the management of the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area designated under CM 91-03. We identify a number of elements for scientific research consistent with the objectives of the MPA, and monitoring that will help evaluate the extent to which these objectives are being achieved. We also encourage the initiation of other research that is consistent with the objectives of the MPA. In 2013, a preliminary draft MPA Report was developed for the SOISS MPA (WG-EMM-13/10), which included elements for a Research and Monitoring Plan. The Working Group recommended that WG-EMM-13/10 should be revised to form three separate documents (WG-EMM-13 paragraph 3.22):
i) Management Plan
ii) Research and Monitoring Plan
iii) MPA Report
We have therefore developed this draft Research and Monitoring Plan for consideration by the Working Group, and would welcome discussion and feedback on its structure and content.
The draft Research and Monitoring Plan provides details on scientific research pursuant to the specific MPA objectives, monitoring to determine the degree to which the specific MPA objectives are being met, and other research consistent with the specific MPA objectives. It also sets out procedures for the submission of data and review of results.
Data on fish bycatch in the krill fishery has been collected as part of the CCAMLR SISO from a total of 9303 hauls collected on 60 cruise involving 18 different vessels over the period 2010-2014. This paper examines the frequency of occurrence, proportion by mass and length-frequency distribution of the fish taxa reported. The frequency of occurrence of fish for each vessel ranged from 0.1 to 0.98 and there were 14 taxa for which the frequency of occurrence was >1% in any subarea (of which 7 were Channichthids). The modal size class of the fish taxa for which >100 length measurements were available all had a modal size of <10cm. Extrapolation of the mass of fish in the bycatch data would indicate that a 200 000 t krill catch might be expected to contain of the order of 40t of C. gunnari and 38t of L. larseni, albeit with large confidence intervals around these estiamtes.
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) was established to detect changes in krill-based ecosystems to provide a basis for regulating harvesting of Antarctic living marine resources in accordance with the ‘ecosystem approach’.
In 2013/14 data has been submitted by 8 Members for 15 sites and 12 CEMP parameters.
This report provides a summary of CEMP data submissions for the 2013/14 season.
Vessels operating in the krill fishery in CCAMLR’s Convention Area have been required to directly estimate the green weight of krill caught since 2012/13. The estimation methods were revised at WG-EMM-13 and published in Conservation Measure 21-03 Annex B. Estimates of green weight and parameter values are reported in each vessel’s haul-by-haul catch and effort data. This paper reviews the data reported in 2013/14 (to May 2014).
Vessels fishing in 2013/14 used six methods for the direct estimation of the green weight of krill caught: codend volume, holding tank volume, flow meter, flow scale, plate tray and meal conversion. The submission of green weight estimates and parameter values continues to improve; however some vessels may still experience difficulty in measuring and/or reporting parameters at the required frequency. In addition, some data submissions included additional formulae to the CCAMLR data forms and these suggest that certain parameter values may have been back-calculated. This may indicate that some estimation methods (e.g. flow meter) require further development, or some parameters cannot be measured directly or safely. WG-EMM may wish to consider this matter further.
During 2013 the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) was subject to an external review by an expert review panel drawn from members (see SC-CAMLR-XXXII/07 Rev. 1). The panel recommended a number of changes to the SISO observer logbooks to remove obsolete data collection practices, and streamline the forms for ease of use by CCAMLR observers. This paper summarises the proposed changes made in the draft 2015 observer logbook for the krill trawl fishery and its accompanying instructions.