For several years, ASOC has been calling for improved management of Antarctic krill fisheries by establishing feedback management procedures, improving monitoring through a strengthened CEMP program, and requiring 100% scientific observer coverage on board krill vessels among other issues. In this paper, ASOC urges CCAMLR to implement further protective measures to prevent excessive concentration of krill fishing in coastal areas close to predator colonies in Area 48. This is of particular relevance since fishing has been concentrating heavily in coastal areas lately. ASOC also calls on CCAMLR to continue to work towards strengthening the CEMP program, requiring mandatory reporting on green weight estimation methods, and obtaining 100% observer coverage on the krill fishing fleet.
This paper summarises some key principles to consider in the designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Marine Reserves (MRs). These principles are derived from briefings produced by the Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA), an ASOC member. These briefings discuss the duration of MPAs and MRs, the application of the precautionary principle to MPAs and MRs and the designation of MPAs and MRs in the context of climate change. Additionally, CCAMLR’s opportunity to create a strong conservation legacy for future generations is highlighted. The Ross Sea and East Antarctic proposals are consistent with the provisions and practices of the CAMLR Convention, and offer appropriate precautionary, permanent, large-scale protection while allowing commercial fisheries to continue in some areas. By designating MPAs at CCAMLR XXXII, Members will demonstrate the leadership, vision and good stewardship that are critical for the long-term sustainability of the oceans.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Цель данного документа – прояснить понятие «репрезентативности» в выделении морских охраняемых районов (МОР) и дать обзор дискуссий и соглашений, достигнутых на заседаниях АНТКОМ в отношении применимости этого понятия при создании репрезентативной системы МОР в Южном океане. В 2005 г. АНТКОМ поддержала рекомендации Научного комитета, отметившего, что репрезентативные районы, т.е. районы, «направленные на создание полной, адекватной и репрезентативной системы МОР для обеспечения долгосрочной экологической жизнеспособности морских систем, сохранения экологических процессов и систем и охраны антарктического морского биоразнообразия на всех уровнях», будут способствовать продвижению целей АНТКОМ.
Принцип репрезентативности позволяет отразить различия в определенных экосистемах или местообитаниях в определенном регионе внутри системы МОР. Ключевым элементом создания репрезентативной системы МОР является определение репрезентативных районов биоразнообразия с помощью биогеографического анализа в рамках процесса последовательного природоохранного планирования. Ценность биогеографического анализа для репрезентативных МОР в Южном океане нашла свое отражение в приверженности АНТКОМ принципу биорайонирования. Кроме того, данный анализ впоследствии стал основой всего процесса выделения МОР в АНТКОМ. Таким образом, АНТКОМ на протяжении последних десяти лет активно рассматривала и дорабатывала понятие «репрезентативности».
There is no abstract available for this document.
At the CCAMLR meeting in 2012, the Commission welcomed the offer of Germany to take the lead in developing a Weddell Sea MPA for consideration in 2014. Subsequently, the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection tasked the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research to compile and analyse scientific data for identifying areas which require particular protection in the Weddell Sea. Work under this project started mid-April 2013. This progress report is based on WG-EMM-13/22 which was submitted to WG-EMM 2013 in Bremerhaven, Germany. Germany intends to update the Scientific Committee on the actual state of our project, particularly on the main proceeds of a national data workshop held in Bremerhaven early September 2013. The main objectives of this document are (i) to propose the planning area of our evaluation study, (ii) to provide an update on the data situation, (iii) to draw attention to the forthcoming (early April 2014) international expert workshop on the planning of a Weddell Sea MPA.
A multi-year plan for research by Japan and South Africa aimed at yielding a tag-based assessment of the Dissostichus resource in statistical Subarea 48.6 was adopted in 2012 and formulated in CM 41-04. This paper presents a revised work plan for the South African contribution to the second year of this research in 2013/14 and is to be read in conjunction with WG-SAM-13/11.
The local densities of Champsocephalus gunnari observed in the 2013 survey are compared with those observed in 1994-1997. A significant increase in densities across 24 sites previously sampled was found. The comparison of the length distribution functions suggests that the stock depletion in the early 1990’s was due to recruitment collapse, probably a consequence of overfishing.
The stock of Antarctic toothfish in the CCAMLR subarea 48.4 was estimated using as the Petersen method as 640 tonnes. Application of the harvest rate used for D. eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 (γ = 0.038) gives yields of 24 t for the Antarctic toothfish in the region vs. previous estimation of 30 tonnes.
The present report re-analyses data regarding CPUE for both species of toothfish in northern area of 48.6 (SSRU 48.6A, 48.6G). This report is a re-analysis of the CPUE time series proposed in previous work (SAM 13/29) which includes all those comments and suggestions made in the last SAM meeting. Here, the length of the line was used as effort unit and also high CPUE values reported by a Korean Vessel (Insung No 7) were further investigated by applying extreme value analysis. Antarctic and Patagonian toothfish presented a high proportion with sets in which both species are present, and thus, an analysis of catch intention was implemented by using multivariate statistical approach of the catch composition. Standardisation of CPUE was done by using Generalised Additive Models (GAM) considering temporal and location factors. A mix model using vessel nationality as random variable was also implemented. These improvements did not change the CPUE time series in Antarctic Toohthfish and only produces minor changes in Patagonian toothfish. We believe extreme value analysis provides a useful tool to evaluate anomalous CPUE. The same conclusion with previous work arise, the CPUE have little or none information as index of abundance and thus, it is highly recommendable to continue with the collection of the data by scientific observed and tagging and release program.