Секретариат АНТКОМ координирует выполнение Системы наблюдений, используя сеть национальных технических координаторов из стран-членов.
Технические координаторы отвечают за представление информации о размещении всех научных наблюдателей и за обеспечение того, чтобы данные и образцы, собранные наблюдателями во время нахождения на судне, благополучно передавались в Секретариат.
Технические координаторы
Requester Member Country | Technical Coordinator | Место работы |
Argentina |
Paola Gucioni
paola [dot] gucioni [at] gmail [dot] com
+5491161199769 |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto |
Argentina |
María Mercedes Santos
mechasantos [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] ar
Instituto Antártico Argentino |
Argentina |
Enrique Marschoff
marschoff [at] gmail [dot] com
+5491165157610 |
Instituto Antártico Argentino |
Australia |
Sally Carney
sally [dot] carney [at] aad [dot] gov [dot] au
+61434230769 |
Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Australia |
Tim Lamb
Tim [dot] Lamb [at] awe [dot] gov [dot] au
+61362323535 |
Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Belgium |
Julie D' Havé
julie [dot] dhave [at] health [dot] fgov [dot] be
FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment |
Belgium |
Anton Van de Putte
antonarctica [at] gmail [dot] com
+32494943806 |
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences |
Belgium |
Stephanie Langerock
stephanie [dot] langerock [at] health [dot] fgov [dot] be
+3225249296 |
FPS Health, DG Environment |
Chile |
Juan Enrique Loyer Greene
jloyer [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56228274170 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
Chile |
Patricio Arana
PatricioArana [at] pucv [dot] cl
Chile |
Francisco Lertora
flertora [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56224135954 |
Dirección Nacional de Fronteras y Límites - DIFROL |
Chile |
Pablo Ortiz
portiz [at] sernapesca [dot] cl
+56322819301 |
Chile |
Francisco Berguño
fberguno [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+213791444444 |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile |
Chile |
César Cárdenas
ccardenas [at] inach [dot] cl
+56612298124 |
Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH) |
Chile |
Paola Natividad Arroyo Mora
parroyom [at] dgtm [dot] cl
+56322208359 |
Direcciòn General del Territorio Maritimo |
Chile |
Nelson Eduardo Saavedra Inostroza
nsaavedra [at] dgtm [dot] cl
+56322208301 |
Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine |
Chile |
Luis Cocas
lcocas [at] subpesca [dot] cl
+56322502799 |
Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura |
Chile |
Oscar Spichiger
ospichiger [at] directemar [dot] cl
+56322208326 |
Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine, Chilean Navy |
Chile |
Camilo Sanhueza Bezanilla
csanhueza [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56228274401 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
Chile |
Magdalena Marquez
mmarquez [at] inach [dot] cl
+56612298100 |
Chile |
Renato Segura
rsegura [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56228274746 |
División de Asuntos Antárticos - Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores |
Chile |
Francisco Santa Cruz
fsantacruz [at] inach [dot] cl
Instituto Antartico Chileno (INACH) |
China |
Gangzhou Fan
fangz [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute |
China |
Jiancheng Zhu
zhujc [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science |
China |
Xianyong Zhao
zhaoxy [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science |
European Union |
Sebastián Rodríguez Alfaro
sebastian [dot] rodriguez [at] marinesciences [dot] eu
+34828914451 |
European Union |
France |
Caroline Krajka
caroline [dot] krajka [at] diplomatie [dot] gouv [dot] fr
+33153693653 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
France |
Nicolas Gasco
nicolas [dot] gasco [at] mnhn [dot] fr
+33664242692 |
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle |
Germany |
Stefan Hain
stefan [dot] hain [at] awi [dot] de
+4947148311152 |
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research |
Japan |
Taisuke Iwano
taisuke_iwano460 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81335911086 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
Japan |
Ryo Onodera
ryo_onodera380 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81367442363 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
Japan |
Toya Takehara
toya_takehara240 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81335911086 |
Fisheries Agency of Japan |
Korea, Republic of |
Jeongseok Park
jeongseokpark [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202320 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries |
Korea, Republic of |
Jung-re Riley Kim
mof_2014 [at] korea [dot] kr
+82442005398 |
International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries |
Korea, Republic of |
Eunjung Kim
eunjungkim [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202321 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science |
Korea, Republic of |
Sang Gyu Shin
gyuyades82 [at] gmail [dot] com
+82517202327 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) |
Korea, Republic of |
Jung-re Riley Kim
riley1126 [at] korea [dot] kr
+82442005398 |
The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea |
Korea, Republic of |
Eunhyeok Choe
dhchoe [at] kosfa [dot] org
+8225891618 |
Korea Overseas Fisheries Association |
Korea, Republic of |
Sangdeok Chung
sdchung [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202322 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) |
Namibia |
Malcom Block
Malcolm [dot] Block [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
Namibia |
Rosalia Mupetami
Rosalia [dot] Mupetami [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
Namibia |
Beau Tjizoo
Beau [dot] Tjizoo [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
+264612053013 |
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
New Zealand |
Adam Berry
Adam [dot] Berry [at] mpi [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6448194734 |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
New Zealand |
Michelle Podmore
Michelle [dot] Podmore [at] mfat [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6421687029 |
Climate, Antarctica and Environment Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
New Zealand |
Rachel Stevens
rachel [dot] stevens [at] mfat [dot] govt [dot] nz
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
New Zealand |
Austin Burgess
austin [dot] burgess [at] mpi [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6448194387 |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
New Zealand |
Aimee Tang
aimee [dot] tang [at] mfat [dot] govt [dot] nz
+61211906397 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand |
Norway |
Hanne Østgård
hanne [dot] ostgard [at] fiskeridir [dot] no
+4780030179 |
The Directorate of Fisheries |
Poland |
Anna Panasiuk
anna [dot] panasiuk [at] ug [dot] edu [dot] pl
+48725991106 |
University of Gdańsk |
Poland |
Robert Bialik
rbialik [at] ibb [dot] waw [dot] pl
+48504244199 |
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Poland |
Justyna Szumlicz
justyna [dot] szumlicz [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48226232911 |
The Long Distance Fisheries and International Affairs Unit, Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
Poland |
Michal Szymanski
mszymanski [at] mir [dot] gdynia [dot] pl
+48587356258 |
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia, Department of Logistics & Monitoring |
Poland |
Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire
mka [at] ibb [dot] waw [dot] pl
+48225925794 |
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Poland |
Renata Wieczorek
renata [dot] wieczorek [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48225838953 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
Poland |
Leszek Dybiec
leszek [dot] dybiec [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48226232975 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
South Africa |
Sobahle Somhlaba
ssomhlaba [at] dffe [dot] gov [dot] za
+27214023163 |
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
South Africa |
Fatima Savel
FSavel [at] dffe [dot] gov [dot] za
+27214023539 |
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment |
Spain |
Roberto Sarralde Vizuete
roberto [dot] sarralde [at] ieo [dot] csic [dot] es
+34986492111 |
Instituto Español de Oceanografía-CSIC |
Spain |
Carmen Margarita Mancebo Robledo
cmancebo [at] mapa [dot] es
+34913476129 |
Spain |
Luis Belmonte González
lbelmonte [at] mapa [dot] es
+34913476079 |
Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food |
Sweden |
Pia Norling
pia [dot] norling [at] havochvatten [dot] se
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Sweden |
Stina Bagge
stina [dot] bagge [at] gov [dot] se
+46761418936 |
Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs |
United Kingdom |
Kylie Bamford
kylie [dot] bamford [at] fcdo [dot] gov [dot] uk
+442070082614 |
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
United Kingdom |
James Fosbery
james [dot] fosbery [at] fcdo [dot] gov [dot] uk
+447880300676 |
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
United States of America |
Christopher Jones
chris [dot] d [dot] jones [at] noaa [dot] gov
+18585465605 |
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |
Uruguay |
Oscar Pin
comcruma [at] mrree [dot] gub [dot] uy
+59824004689 |
Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuaticos (DINARA) |
Uruguay |
Yamandú Marín
ymarin [at] mgap [dot] gub [dot] uy
+59824004689 |
Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuaticos (DINARA) |
This page was last modified on 03 Mar 2014