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Evaluation of Antarctic krill biomass and distribution off the South Orkney Islands 2011-2015
Abstract: Annual acoustic trawl surveys for krill monitoring have been carried out by the ... early in the fishing season (January/February), using two different krill fishing vessels as platforms ... and abundance of krill near the South Orkneys among years, we here attempt to generate a coherent ... series of krill density estimates from the 5 years of surveys. We follow the CCAMLR protocol for biomass ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/54 : Автор(ы): G. Skaret, B.A. Krafft, L. Calise (Norway), J. Watkins (UK), R. Pedersen and O.R. Godø (Norway)
Circumpolar connections between Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) populations: Investigating the roles of ocean and sea ice transport
Abstract: Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana, has a heterogeneous circumpolar distribution ... in the Southern Ocean. Krill have a close association with sea ice which provides access to a ... pathways of krill have until now been on regional scales and have not taken explicit account of sea ice ... potential roles of the ocean and sea ice in maintaining the observed circumpolar krill distribution. We show ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/P10 : Автор(ы): S.E. Thorpe, E.J. Murphy and J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom)
On possible influence of continuous krill fishing technology with the use of ‘air-bubbling suspension system’ on ecosystem elements
Abstract: It was shown that potential increase in krill fishery in the immediate future ... -krill- fishery interactions. In this case, apart from traditional commercial statistics (vessels ... of studying the krill fishing technology. It is just trawl design and fishing method that will ... , immature and adult krill and other small pelagic species. Obviously, ecological compatibility of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/27 : Автор(ы): S.M. Kasatkina and V.A. Sushin (Russia)
An 8-year cycle in krill biomass density inferred from acoustic surveys conducted in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands during the austral summers of 1991/1992 through 2001/2002
delineating volume backscattering due to Antarctic krill, adjusting for signal contamination due to noise, and ... compensating for diel vertical migration of krill outside of the acoustic observation window. Intra-and inter ... -seasonal variations in krill biomass density and dispersion were derived from the re-processed data set for ... variability may be attributed to changes in the spatial distribution of krill relative to the survey area ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/6 : Автор(ы): R.P. Hewitt, D.A. Demer and J.H. Emery (USA)
Target strength estimation of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba by cooperative experiments with commercial trawlers
Abstract: An estimate of target strength of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba was obtained by a ... series of cooperative experiments between research vessel and commercial krill trawler. Estimated target ... strength per 1g wet weight of Antarctic krill was-66.ldB a t the frequency of 200kHz. Average size of krill ... Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba by cooperative experiments with commercial trawlers Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/30 : Автор(ы): Delegation of Japan
A simulation study of krill fishing by an individual Japanese trawler
Japanese krill trawler over a half-month period, and the output is compared to statistics from a sample of ... , and their performance investigated in response to six different ways in which the overall krill ... probably be reliable only for detecting changes in within-concentration krill distribution parameters ... , distribution and density of krill concentrations. Priority for further analyses should be given to examination ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/38 : Автор(ы): D.S. Butterworth (United Kingdom)
Spatio-temporal variability in the winter diet of larval and juvenile Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in ice-covered waters
Abstract: Antarctic krill Euphausia superba is an ecological key species in the Southern Ocean ... and a major fisheries resource. The winter survival of age class 0 (AC0) krill is susceptible to ... limited. We studied the spatio-temporal variability of the diet in 4 cohorts of AC0 krill in the Northern ... show that the diet of overwintering AC0 krill varies significantly in space and time. Variability in ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P18 : Автор(ы): F.L. Schaafsma, D. Kohlbach, C. David, B.A. Lange, M. Graeve, H. Flores and J.A. van Franeker
An ecological risk assessment of current conservation measures for krill fishing in East Antarctica (CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2)
involved in any redevelopment of a commercial krill (Euphausia superba) fishery in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.1 ... measures that are relevant to Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 sufficiently mitigate the risk of a krill fishery ... disproportionately concentrating catches in areas that are also important to krill predators. In particular, this ... , crabeater seals and Adélie penguins, in parallel with the currently agreed krill biomass estimates across ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/37 : Автор(ы): N. Kelly, L. Emmerson, S. Kawaguchi, C. Southwell and D. Welsford
fishing operations for krill in the Convention area. The vessel used both conventional and continuous ... size/sex composition of the krill catches, bycatch, spatial distribution and biological condition of ... krill. This paper provides initial analysis of the ' Maxim Starostin ' catch data collected ... krill aggregations in South Orkney Islands region. These aggregation have complex size structure and ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/29 : Автор(ы): D. Sologub (Russia)
Krill stock evaluation with data from commercial fishing vessels
Abstract: Commercial krill fishing vessels can provide useful data for science and management ... within a time-frame of a week and linked to krill length data from the same period. The data from the ... fishing operations were very different from transect data collected just some days before. Krill ... period. The data have the potential of providing information about local krill depletion, fishing ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/63 : Автор(ы): G. Skaret (Norway), J. Moir Clark (United Kingdom), O.R. Godø, R.J. Korneliussen, T. Knutsen, B.A. Krafft and S.A. Iversen
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