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Implementing plausible ecosystem models for the Southern Ocean: an ecosystem, productivity, ocean, climate (EPOC) model
Abstract: An ecosystem, productivity, ocean, climate (EPOC) model has been developed in the R statistical language to help explore topical issues on Antarctic marine ecosystems, including impacts of climate change, consequences of over-exploitation, conservation requirements of recovery and
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/33 : Автор(ы): A.J. Constable
A proposal for streamlining the work of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Abstract: The work of the Scientific Committee is expanding with a duplication of some functions in different working groups. There is also a need to give time to emerging issues for which there is insufficient time at present in the existing working groups, such as consideration of marine
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/35 : Автор(ы): A.J. Constable (Australia)
Preliminary report of sound-speed contrast and density of krill measured on board RV Kaiyo Maru
Abstract: The target strength (TS) of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, is a scaling factor to convert the acoustic backscattering strength into the population density. Therefore, it is important to improve the accuracy and precision of the TS value. Since in situ and experimental TS
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/36 : Автор(ы): Y. Takao, H. Yasuma, R. Matsukura and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Mortality of macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) at Marion Island caused by avian cholera (Pasteurella multocida) in 2004/05
Abstract: At Marion Island, an outbreak of Avian Cholera Pasteurella multocida killed about 2 000 Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus at the colony at Kildalkey Bay during November 2004. Other colonies of Macaroni Penguins and other species of seabirds were not affected. In March 1993, an
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/37 : Автор(ы): R.J.M. Crawford, B.M Dyer, M.S. De Villiers, G.J.G. Hofmeyr and D. Tshingana (South Africa)
Breeding numbers and success of Eudyptes penguins at Marion Island, and the influence of arrival of adults
Abstract: At Marion Island, there was considerable correlation in numbers of adults breeding at study colonies for both Macaroni Eudyptes chrysolophus and Eastern Rockhopper E. chrysocome filholi Penguins, over 26 and 22 years respectively, suggesting over-wintering conditions may influence the
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/38 : Автор(ы): R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer and L.G. Underhill (South Africa)
Information on the CEP’S Antarctic site inventory
Abstract: In 2004, the Commission tasked the Secretariat to discuss with the Committee on Environmental Protection (CEP) the nature of available data from the Antarctic Site Inventory, and to invite consideration by appropriate Working Groups of whether the data would be of value to CCAMLR.
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/39 : Автор(ы): Secretariat
Some characteristics of krill transport in the Scotia Sea based on the Russian survey data
Abstract: In this work the characteristics of krill transport across the SSMUs determined on the basis of long-term Russian research in Area 48 are considered. Estimates of mean current velocities based on the long-term data from 3012 stations and respective time intervals when the water mass in
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/41 : Автор(ы): S.M. Kasatkina, V.N. Shnar and O.V. Berezhinsky (Russia)
Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2005 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG FSA)
Title: Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2005 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG FSA) Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/1
List of Participants
Title: List of Participants Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/2
List of Documents
Title: List of Documents Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/3
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