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South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area – Second Report
Author(s): Delegation of the European Union and its Member States Title: South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area – Second Report Microsoft Word File: cc-38-bg-20.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Document Release Consent: Yes Delegation
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/20 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the European Union and its Member States
Предложение о поправках к Мере по сохранению 32-18
Abstract: The delegations of Argentina, Australia, European Union, Norway, Uruguay and the United States propose to amend CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-18 to prohibit shark finning and require that all fins of any shark that cannot be released alive remain naturally attached through the point of
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/08 Rev. 1 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Argentina, Australia, European Union, Norway, Uruguay and USA
Предложения Российской Федерации по регламентированию единых критериев установления МОР в зоне Конвенции
Abstract: На основе анализа правовых и научных аспектов, сложившейся ситуации с установлением МОР в зоне Конвенции, рассматриваются меры процедурного и имплементационного характера для регламентирования единого процесса научно-обоснованного установления МОР и регулирования его
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/30 : Автор(ы): Делегация Российской Федерации
Правило принятия решений АНТКОМ ‒ сильные и слабые стороны
Abstract: Scientific Committee has recognised that in order to maintain its leadership in ecosystem-based fisheries management, the implications of climate change should be considered by its working groups. The robustness of CCAMLR’s tothfish management protocol, based on the Decision Rule, is
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/15 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Пересмотренное предложение о мере по сохранению, устанавливающей морской охраняемый район в Области 1 (западная часть Антарктического п-ова и южная часть дуги Скотия)
Abstract: This paper contains the revised version of the proposed draft Conservation Measure establishing a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc) as presented in last year’s paper CC-CCAMLR-XXXVII/31. The revised version of the D1MPA proposal
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/25 Rev. 1 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Domain 1 MPA Proposal CM 91-XXrev1: Rationale of the changes for the Proposal for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in the Western Antarctic Peninsula- South Scotia Arc
Abstract: This document reflects the changes incorporated into the D1MPA proposal, based on new publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions after the D1MPA proposal was formally introduced by
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/03 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Domain 1 MPA Proposal CM 91-XXrev1: Rationale of the changes for the Proposal for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in the Western Antarctic Peninsula – South Scotia Arc
Abstract: This document reflects the changes incorporated into the D1MPA proposal, based on new publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions after the D1MPA proposal was formally introduced by
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/22 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Предложение о введении ограничения числа судов на поисковых промыслах клыкача в статистических подрайонах 88.1 и 88.2
Abstract: We propose the Commission introduces a cap of no more than four vessel notifications per Member for the two fisheries in Statistical Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The proposal will help ensure CCAMLR can continue to conserve Antarctic marine living resources in accordance with the Convention.
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/26 : Автор(ы): Delegation of New Zealand
Report from the CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand) to the Seventh Meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) (The Hague, The Netherlands, 23 to 27 January 2019)
Author(s): CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand) Title: Report from the CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand) to the Seventh Meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) (The Hague, The Netherlands, 23 to 27 January 2019) Microsoft Word File: cc-38-bg-23
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/23 : Автор(ы): CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand)
Inclusion of fisheries notifications in the Database of Upcoming Expeditions to the Southern Ocean
Abstract: Many international programs collect information on upcoming activities in the Southern Ocean, relevant to their communities. To support the sharing of this information, the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) has developed the Database of Upcoming Expeditions to the Southern Ocean,
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/26 : Автор(ы): Submitted by SCOR
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