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Предложение об улучшении Проекта плана проведения исследований и мониторинга для Морского охраняемого района в регионе моря Росса
Abstract: CCAMLR in 2016 adopted Conservation Measure 91-05, establishing the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA). The RSRMPA entered into force on 1 December 2017. But there has been no research and monitoring plan (RMP) adopted by CCAMLR in place, which would have impacts on the
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/21 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
Процедура оценки двухчасовых уловов на судах, применяющих систему непрерывного лова криля, и предложение о включении описания этой процедуры в качестве приложения к МС 21-03
Abstract: With reference to comments from WG-EMM 2019, further explanation is provided of the procedure to derive two-hour catches on Norwegian vessels using the Continuous Trawling System in the krill fishery. The procedure, now used on all vessels, splits the flow scale measured daily catch into
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/19 : Автор(ы): O.A. Bergstad
Comments and Proposals regarding the Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan
Abstract: The Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan in its current form requires serious revision, refinement and further discussion by the Scientific Committee and its working groups (WG-SAM, WG-FSA) ahead of its discussion by the Commission. Comments and proposals are presented
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/05 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the Russian Federation
Comments and proposals regarding the development of MPAs for spatial management in the CCAMLR Convention Area
Abstract: Establishing MPAs for spatial management in the Convention Area requires the preliminary development of a unified approach and unified criteria supported with adequate scientific information and should be enshrined in CCAMLR conservation measures. Relevant proposals are discussed. Author
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/25 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the Russian Federation
Отчет совещания Подгруппы по акустической съемке и методам анализа (Берген, Норвегия, 26‒30 августа 2019 г.)
Title: Report of the Meeting of the Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (Bergen, Norway, 26 to 30 August 2019) Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Document Release Consent: No Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/06
Stock connectivity of Antarctic toothfish
Abstract: For this study, Antarctic toothfish samples were collected from CCAMLR Subareas 48.2, 48.4, 48.6, 88.1, 88.2 and 88.3, Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.5.2, and the SPRFMO area north of Subarea 88.1. Using approximately equal sample numbers spatially across CCAMLR Areas, DNA from 761
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-2019/P01 : Автор(ы): D. Maschette, S. Wotherspoon, A. Polanowski, B. Deagle, D. Welsford and P. Ziegler
Report of the SC-CAMLR Observer (Japan) to the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) (Yokohama, Japan, 25 to 29 March 2019)
Abstract: The Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee (SC4) of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) was held at the National Institute of Fisheries Science, in Yokohama, Japan from 25 – 29 March 2019. Takehiro Okuda (Japan) was the nominated CCAMLR Observer at the SC4 meeting
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/12 : Автор(ы): SC-CAMLR Observer (Japan)
Estimates of abundance of Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari from the random stratified trawl survey in the waters surrounding Heard Island in Division 58.5.2 for 2019
Abstract: During late March to early April 2019, the annual random stratified trawl survey (RSTS) around Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) was conducted in CCAMLR Division 58.5.2, with the completion of 150 stations. The survey was conducted on the FV Atlas Cove. Sampling protocols such as
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-2019/03 : Автор(ы): G.B. Nowara, T.D. Lamb and P. Ziegler
Report of the Second Annual Meeting of SCAR Krill Action Group
Abstract: The first annual meeting of the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) met in Concarneau France on June 15th and 16th, 2019. The meeting focused on several topics including the identification of important knowledge gaps in krill research that could provide data in support of the
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/06 : Автор(ы): B. Meyer, S. Kawaguchi and K. Reid
Emperor penguins – vulnerable to projected rates of warming and sea-ice loss; an international collaboration to inform species-related conservation decision-making and conservation planning
Abstract: An international group of scientists, from the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Monaco, the United States and SCAR, including the majority of those holding long-term data and having experience of working with emperor penguins have formed an international collaboration
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/10 : Автор(ы): Delegations of the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, SCAR and ASOC
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