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Морские охраняемые районы в Системе Договора об Антарктике
Author(s): Delegation of Russia Title: Marine Protected Areas in the Antarctic Treaty System ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIII/BG/09 : Автор(ы): Delegation of Russia
Система мониторинга судов (СМС) АНТКОМ – запрос предложений (RTF)
Author(s): VMS Technical Working Group Title: CCAMLR’s Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Request ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIII/14 Rev. 1 : Автор(ы): VMS Technical Working Group
Definition: Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System Status: Content ...
Proposed work schedule for 2013 meeting of WG-EMM
) and 2.2 (Krill issues future) Wed (3 July) Items 2.2 (Krill issues future) and 3.1 (MPAs). Wrap up ... item 2. Thu (4 July) Item 3.1 (MPAs) Fri (5 July) Item 3.1 (MPAs) and 3.2 (VMEs). Wrap up item 3. Week ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Identifying marine protected areas (MPAs) in data-poor regions to conserve biodiversity and to monitor ecosystem change: an Antarctic case study
representative system of marine protected areas (RSMPA) for the purposes of long-term conservation of marine ... the principles for a representative system: comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness (CAR ...
Meeting Document : WS-MPA-11/05 : Автор(ы): A.J. Constable, B. Raymond, S. Doust, D. Welsford (Australia), P. Koubbi (France) and A.L. Post (Australia)
... illustrating these data (section 3) and presentations relating to the identification of anomalies following ... data collected under Method A1B (section 3, A1B, Figures 1 to 5) the different years should be more ... need to be detected are extreme values that may be part of the natural variation in the system. To ... (Value Outside the Generally Observed Norm). Here ‘norm’ is defined to be 3 the conditions that
application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-Stats-97
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-Stats-97
Acoustic estimates of krill biomass in the Elephant Island area: 1981–1993
., 1991). Biomass estimates range from 267 x 10 3 tonnes (March/April 1985) to 4 880 x 10 3 tonnes ... density over the 13-year period were 1 703 x 103 tonnes and 53.2 g/ 2. File: 01hewitt-demer.pdf ... CCAMLR Science, Vol. 1: 1-5 ACOUSTIC ESTIMATES OF KRILL ... p a i o ~ e o-sa 3 n e a a ~ ~ B nepnon c 1981 no 1993 rr. (sa mxnIoveHHeM 1982 H 1986 rr.). O U ... . Keywords: krill biomass, acoustic surveys, krill target strength, Elephant Island, CCAMLR Hewitt and ... Demer At the 1992 meeting of the CCAMLR Working Group on Krill (WG-Krill) a table of historical ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 1 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 1) : 1–5 : Автор(ы): Hewitt, R.P. and D.A. Demer
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 25-02 (2007)
ветре надводная часть стримерной линии находилась над ярусом. http://www.ccamlr.org/pu/r/pubs/cm/07-08 ... Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVI ...
Conservation Measure : 25-02 (2007)
Предложение о мере по сохранению, устанавливающей Восточно-Антарктическую репрезентативную систему морских охраняемых районов
conservation measure establishing the East Antarctic Representative System of Marine Protected Areas Approval ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIII/23 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Australia, France and the European Union
Предложение о мере по сохранению, устанавливающей Восточно-Антарктическую репрезентативную систему морских охраняемых районов
conservation measure establishing the East Antarctic Representative System of Marine Protected Areas Approval ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-SM-II/03 : Автор(ы): Delegations of Australia, France and the European Union
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