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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-05 (2014)
: CCAMLR-XXXIII Period in Force: 2014- 2015 ... was caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures. 3. Each Contracting Party and ... CCAMLR conservation measures, Underlining the responsibilities of Flag States to ensure that their ... imported into their territories were caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures ... Commission has adopted a policy to enhance cooperation between CCAMLR and non-Contracting Parties ...
Conservation Measure : 10-05 (2014)
Status of the Polish FIBEX acoustic data from the West Atlantic
densities of krill in the oceanic parts of the Drake Passage were low (3 g m-2); however, the results also ... variation which has previously been reported for the area and shown to be important. File: 10trathan ... Short Notes CCAMLR Science, Vol. 6 (1999): 125-132 ... Drake Passage were low (3 g m-'); however, the results also indicated that spatial variability was ... faible (3 g m-') dans les ritgions ocbaniques du passage Drake; toutefois, elle indique egalement que la ... ~ 3 ~ p o s a ~ b r a K y c m s e c K H e A a H H b i e , nonyqembre B p e 3 y n b ~ a ~ e I I o ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 6 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 6) : 125–132 : Автор(ы): Trathan, P.N., J. Kalinowski and I. Everson
Investigations of required sampling regimes for environmental parameters
and pressure. Sampling daily maxima and minima would be sufficient to detect a 2 to 3°C change in ... monthly mean log-transformed wind speed α of 0.05 and P of 0.9. File: 35-Agnew.pdf ... minima would be sufficient to detect a 2 to 3°C change in monthly mean temperature over two years with a ... minimales pour deceler une variation de 2-3°C dans la temperature mensuelle moyenne sur deux ans avec une ... Bbl5IBJIeHH5I H3MeHeHH5I Cpe,llHeMeC5I4HOH TeMnepaTYpw B 2-3°C Ha npOT5I)I{eHHH ,llBYX JIeT npH 3Ha4HMOCTH ... ex. B 0,05 HP B 0,8. )lJI5I Toro, 4To6bl Bbl5IBHTb 10-20% H3MeHeHH5I B Cpe,llHeMeC5I4HOM * CCAMLR ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 561–573 : Автор(ы): Agnew, D.J.
Fishery Report: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
are summarised in Table 3 (see CCAMLR-XXX/BG/8). Table 3: Catches and catch limits for Dissostichus ... LAYOUT OF CCAMLR DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS ... and areas ......................................................................... 7 3. Parameter ... contours plotted at 500, 1 000, 2 000 and 3 000 m. 1. Details of the fishery In 2005 the Working ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
the system of the biological and oceanographical monitoring of the Antarctic waters (…) R.R. Makarov ...
Can otolith elemental signatures record the capture site of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), a fully marine fish in the Southern Ocean?
ablation system to target the outer otolith edges corresponding to the period immediately prior to capture ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/P1synpro : Автор(ы): Ashford, J.R., C.M. Jones, E. Hofmann, I. Everson, C. Moreno, G. Duhamel and R. Williams
Can otolith elemental signatures record the capture site of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), a fully marine fish in the Southern Ocean?
ablation system to target the outer otolith edges corresponding to the period immediately prior to capture ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/P1text : Автор(ы): Ashford, J.R., C.M. Jones, E. Hofmann, I. Everson, C. Moreno, G. Duhamel and R. Williams
Implementing plausible ecosystem models for the Southern Ocean: an ecosystem, productivity, ocean, climate (EPOC) model
of parameters but in the spatial, temporal and functional structure of the system. A case study for ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/33 : Автор(ы): A.J. Constable
Demersal fish communities in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica: comparisons between video and trawl survey methods
sampling methods; a large demersal fish trawl, a beam trawl, and a towed camera system. Twenty-three sites ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-12/51 : Автор(ы): D.A. Bowden, S.M. Hanchet and P.M. Marriott (New Zealand)
Proposal for trials to test modified longline gear as a means to reduce cetacean depredation and mitigate incidental bird catch
48.3. Although seabird interactions are expected to be minimal, the trials will stop if 3 seabirds are ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-07/31 : Автор(ы): Delegation of the United Kingdom
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