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To what extent do type C killer whales (Orcinus orca) feed on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica?
higher quality than other potential prey in the Ross Sea region; (3) densities of other alternative ... isotope data. (3) Comparison between the consumption rates of killer whales and maximum biomass of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/29 : Автор(ы): L. Torres, M.H. Pinkerton (New Zealand), R. Pitman, J. Durban (USA) and R. Eisert (New Zealand)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-05 (2015)
: CCAMLR-XXXIV Period in Force: 2015- 2016 ... -exported from its territories was caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures. 3 ... fishing is inconsistent with the objective of the Convention and undermines the effectiveness of CCAMLR ... caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures, Wishing to reinforce the conservation ... cooperation between CCAMLR and non-Contracting Parties, Inviting non-Contracting Parties whose vessels fish ...
Conservation Measure : 10-05 (2015)
Growth and age/length structure of populations of Notothenia (Lepidonotothen) squamifrons (Nototheniidae) in various areas of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
paper. It was found that during the first years of life the linear growth rate is 3 to 5 cm per year. It ... stable but on the Kerguelen Shelf there is a tendency towards younger fish being more abundant. File: 10 ... years of life the linear growth rate is 3 to 5 cm per year. It decreases by a maximum of 1 cm during ... lineaire est de 3 a 5 cm par an. 11 diminue d'un maximum de 1 cm au maximum pendant les dernieres annees ... oco6eti COCTaBJI5IeT 3-5 CM B ro,ll. B TeqeHHe nOCJIe,llHHX JIeT )!{H3HH OH CHH)I{aeTC5I Ha He 6oJIee ... lineal de crecimiento es de 3 a 5 cm al ano, disminuyendo a un maximo de 1 cm durante los ultimos anos ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6) : 123–139 : Автор(ы): Zaitsev, A.K.
Report of ACAP Working Group on Status and Trends Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels – Status and Trends Working Group
gaps. 3. The data for this review was sought from Parties and Signatories to ACAP that are Breeding ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/40
Developing a non-lethal approach for assessing endocrine disruptors in Antarctic seabirds
toxicological analyses” (Part IV, Section 5: 1-3), dated August 1997. This procedure describes the methods to ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/57 : Автор(ы): S. Corsolini (Italy), W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) and S. Focardi (Italy)
Seabird by-catch in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery at the Prince Edward Islands: 1997–1998
predominated (96%), followed by giant petrels Macronectes spp. (3%), with Yellow-nosed Mollymawks Thalassarche ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-98/42 : Автор(ы): P.G. Ryan and M.G. Purves (South Africa)
Biodiversity of the benthos off Kerguelen Islands: overview and perspectives
environmental forcing; and (3) assess the biodiversity of these benthic communities. Author(s): N. Améziane, M ...
Meeting Document : WS-MPA-11/P03 : Автор(ы): N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, L.G. Hemery, F. Monniot, A. Hemery, M. Hautecoeur and A. Dettaï
Feeding of nine Antarctic fish species and their daily ration evaluations
ranged from 3 to 9 times their body weight. Mean annual diet volume of antarctic fish species was around ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-91/08 : Автор(ы): Ye. A. Pakhomov and V. B. Tseitlin (USSR)
Recent trends in numbers of Crozet shags breeding at the Prince Edward Islands
breeding at the Prince Edward Islands. (Afr. J. Mar. Sci., 31 (3) (2009): 427–430) Author(s): R.J.M ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/P02 : Автор(ы): R.J.M. Crawford, P.G. Ryan, B.M. Dyer and L. Upfold
Estimates of numbers of kelp gulls and Kerguelen and Antarctic terns breeding at the Prince Edward Islands, 1996/97–2008/09
Antarctic tern population appears to be stable. (Afr. J. Mar. Sci, 31 (3) (2009): 439–444) Author(s): P.A ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/P05 : Автор(ы): P.A. Whittington, R.J.M. Crawford, B.M. Dyer and P.G. Ryan
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