6.5.1 Extent to which CCAMLR recognises the special needs of Developing States and pursues forms of cooperation with Developing States, taking into account the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Article 5
6.5.2 Extent to which CCAMLR Members, individually or through the Commission, provide relevant assistance to Developing States
6.4.1 Extent to which CCAMLR cooperates with other international organisations
Responsible body
Activities to date
Status In relation to Observers, CCAMLR should now critically re-examine its relationship with a range of organisations providing Observers to ensure that of the exchange of information is maximised and the working relationship with the bodies they represent is transparent, effective and dynamic.
6.3.1 Extent to which CCAMLR provides for action in accordance with international law against non-Contracting Parties undermining the objectives of the Convention, as well as measures to deter such activities, as well as encouraging them to become Contracting Parties and Members of the Commission or to implement voluntarily CCAMLR conservation measures
6.2.1 Extent to which CCAMLR facilitates cooperation between Members and non-Members, including through encouraging non-Contracting Parties to become Contracting Parties and Members of the Commission or to implement voluntarily CCAMLR conservation measures
5.2.1 The CCAMLR dispute settlement mechanisms appear to be unsatisfactory. There is an urgent need to take action to address this situation. In this regard, the binding procedures for dispute settlement set out in Part XV of UNCLOS could be considered by CPs in a two-fold manner: