Currently all Contracting Parties and non-Contracting Parties cooperating in the Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS) are using the electronic web-based format for reporting. Australia proposes to amend Conservation Measure 10-05 (CM10-05) to remove redundant provisions and provide clarification on electronic reporting.
Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing vessels are increasingly using gillnets as a fishing method to target toothfish in the Convention area. Estimating the impact of IUU fishing is hampered by a lack of data on the design, deployment, catch and bycatch rates of gill nets. This paper describes a gillnet found abandoned by Australian vessel patrolling BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b), and the toothfish and bycatch found when a section of the gillnet was retrieved. Based on the amount of toothfish found in the 8 km long section of net retrieved, upwards of 29 tonnes of toothfish may be removed by a single vessel’s deployment of a 130 km long series of gillnets.
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На АНТКОМ-XXIX (2010 г.) Австралия представила "Предложение об общей мере по сохранению, касающейся создания в АНТКОМ к 2012 г. Репрезентативной системы антарктических морских охраняемых районов (РСАМОР), включая необходимую в мерах по сохранению структуру управления, которая будет применяться к РСАМОР в будущем" (CCAMLR-XXIX/38 Rev. 1). Данное предложение является пересмотром предложения, представленного на АНТКОМ-XXIX, с учетом замечаний, полученных от стран-членов во время АНТКОМ-XXIX и в межсессионный период.
Как и в других всеобъемлющих мерах (например, Мере по сохранению 41-01 Общие меры по поисковым промыслам видов Dissostichus в зоне действия Конвенции), общая мера по сохранению может обеспечить основу общих действий и требований, касающихся объявления, управления и контроля морских охраняемых районов (МОР) АНТКОМ. Пункт 1 проекта общей меры, где говорится о целях, которые будут достигнуты посредством МОР, основывается на рекомендации, одобренной в 2005 г. Научным комитетом (см. SC-CAMLR-XXIV, п. 3.54).
Австралия считает, что принятие проекта этой меры предоставит прочную и прозрачную основу для создания системы МОР АНТКОМ к 2012 г.
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At its 2000 meeting, the Commission requested that the Scientific Committee review the definition of the statistical divisions in the region of BANZARE and Elan Banks. Proposals are put forward on how the boundaries of Division 58.4.3 and neighbouring divisions can be amended to make separate divisions encompassing each individual bank. Further options are suggested for modifications to division boundaries in the region so that they more closely follow bathymetric features.
In this paper the boundaries of the CCAMLR statistical areas are examined for their relevance to the management of the krill fishery. A rationale for developing some new areas is developed based on data on krill distributions. The overall aim of the exercise was to reduce the large size of many of the existing statistical areas to the point where all areas where krill occur could be surveyed by a single vessel. Areas where krill appeared to be generally absent were separated from those areas where krill appeared to be abundant. Areas where there were identified concentrations or “stocks” were kept intact wherever possible. The resultant map of suggested management areas results in a series of subdivisions of far more regular size than the existing map of Statistical Areas.